Published on 20-Jul-2023

NDT Techniques in the Aviation Industry: Innovations and Applications

NDT Techniques in the Aviation Industry: Innovations and Applications

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Non-destructive testing can guarantee the integrity and dependability of products while they are in use, saving time and resources when reviewing, troubleshooting, or researching.

Safety and dependability are given top priority in the aviation sector. Non-destructive testing or aviation NDT methods are used to guarantee the integrity of aircraft structures and components. 

NDT Methods make it possible to find and access flaws or anomalies without endangering the aircraft. These methods are essential for keeping an aircraft airworthy, avoiding catastrophic breakdowns, and guaranteeing the safety of both passengers and crew.

NDT Techniques for the Aviation Industry

Here are a few Non-Destructive Testing techniques in Aviation Industry:

Visual Inspection Techniques

NDT Technician doing Visual Inspection

The sense of sight, along with the other senses has been used to test materials or assets for eons. Hence, visual testing is considered the most fundamental and traditional of its kind. Visual testing entails the inspector physically inspecting each component of an item, as the name suggests. 

  • The presence of safety risks, hazards, and non-compliant situations in a worksite is identified by routine visual inspections carried out by safety officials and professional miners, for instance, in the mining industry. 
  • Components used in lifting activities are examined visually during these examinations. By carefully examining individual parts, the inspector can assess the structural integrity of machineries like bulldozers and subterranean excavators through visual testing.

Advantages of Visual Inspection in NDT

  • In comparison to other NDT techniques, it is a reasonably cost-effective technique because it requires little equipment. 
  • Visual examination offers immediate findings, enabling inspectors to notice problems or abnormalities immediately in the Aviation Industry. 
  • A non-invasive procedure, visual inspection doesn't involve physical touch or potentially harmful energy sources.
  • Visual inspection can be performed by skilled professionals, such as engineers, technicians, or shop floor operators.
  • Visual examination enables preventive maintenance and repair, lowering the possibility of expensive fixes or disastrous failures. 
  • To improve fault detection, Visual Inspection can be performed in conjunction with other NDT techniques.

Laser Testing Methods

A representation of laser beams

With the growth in the use of composite materials and sandwich structures in industries, laser-based NDT procedures became more widely accepted. For subsurface flaws including disbonds, delaminations, sheared cores, and undetectable damage in aircraft, missiles, and marine composites, these types of structures required rapid and extensive inspection. Laser Testing methods are of varying types, some of which include:

1. Holography Laser Testing Method:

High-frequency vibration is used in holography testing procedures to find disbands or uneven internal structures. Real-time inspection of complicated components such as aviation engine turbine blades felt metal engine seals, and plasma-coated artificial hip and knee joints is done using this non-destructive testing technique.

2. Laser Shearography Testing Method:

Laser Shearography is a method of testing that uses an interferometer to find the out-of-plane derivative of the material's deformation caused by subsurface faults' uneven strain fields. 

Applying vacuum, vibration, or thermal stress effects to the laminar structure's weakest bond causes out-of-plane stress. At video frame rates, Shearography testing can detect strain changes down to 0.1 micro strains.

3. Laser Profilometer Testing Method:

For cylindrical items, laser profilometer testing techniques are largely preferred. The main application is for evaluating severely deteriorated flaws during pipeline inspections. 

The idea behind how laser profilometry testing operates is based on how the laser beam is processed after being bent by the test object profile. With an accuracy of 0.03mm and a resolution of 0.05mm, the profilometer method effectively assesses critical information relating to repair and operability.

Advantages of Laser Testing Techniques in NDT

  • Remote and non-contact testing is feasible.
  • Adaptable and with a small footprint Inspection of small objects with intricate geometries is possible.
  • The capacity to fully cover inspection samples and use high-frequency beam scanning to detect very minute faults.

Liquid Penetrant Testing

Florescent penetrant dye dripping off and aircraft component

By injecting a very thin liquid into a material imperfection and pulling the liquid out with a developer that resembles chalk, liquid penetrant tests look for material flaws that are visible at the surface. 

  • Although welds are the most frequently evaluated item, Liquid Penetrant Testing is also frequently used to inspect plates, bars, pipelines, castings, and forgings.
  • It's crucial to keep in mind that penetrant is a very thin liquid that can leak through even the slightest gap. 
  • As a result, the penetrant will go behind the welds and through layers of unfused material if an assembly contains stitch welds or material that is not sealed by a weld. In these places, penetrants can be nearly impossible to remove. 
  • If additional welding is done, the trapped penetrant will result in faulty welds, or it will flow out over time and contaminate process fluids and paint.

Advantages of Liquid Penetrant Testing in NDT

Advantages of Liquid Penetrant Testing in NDT

  • Heightened sensitivity to minor surface irregularities Simple inspection of components with intricate shapes.
  • Rapid and affordable inspection of huge areas and quantities of parts or materials. Directly on the surface of the part is a visible representation of the fault. 
  • Using aerosol spray cans, the procedure is lightweight, handy, and affordable.
  • The relative size, shape, and depth of the fault can be shown via indications.

Acoustic Emission Testing

An Acoustic Emission Test Setup by NASA

Acoustic emission testing uses the discharge of ultrasonic stress waves to spot flaws in materials in the Aviation Industry. 

  • These ultrasonic waves originate from within the material being inspected rather than being introduced from an outside source, as they are in Ultrasonic Testing.
  • Due to its high cost, AE has traditionally only been employed for assessing and maintaining expensive structures. However, as a result of recent advancements, AE equipment has become more affordable and usable for a variety of inspection applications.
  • An inspector uses one or more sensors to capture elastic ultrasonic waves moving over the surface of a solid material during an acoustic emission test. 
  • Any flaw that an acoustic wave encounters as it passes over or through the surface of an item can alter the wave's speed and amplitude. 
  • 20 Kilohertz (KHZ) and 1 Megahertz (MHZ) of ultrasonography are frequently utilized for acoustic emission testing.

Advantages of Acoustic Emission Testing in NDT

Advantages of Acoustic Emission Testing in NDT

AE testing is highly sensitive to the initiation and propagation of damage in materials or structures. It can detect active defects, such as cracks, delaminations, and material degradation, even in their early stages. 

  • AET provides real-time monitoring capabilities, allowing for continuous assessment of the tested object's condition.
  • This is beneficial in Aircraft NDT inspection as it captures and analyses acoustic signals during loading or operation, providing immediate feedback on any changes. 
  • It enables the localisation and identification of the source of acoustic emissions. 
  • AE testing can evaluate the behaviour of the tested object under different loads, assess the presence of hidden defects, and determine the need for maintenance or repair.
  • The sensors used for AE monitoring can be attached to the surface of the structure or embedded within the material. This makes it suitable for testing large or complex structures, such as bridges, pressure vessels, or pipelines, without causing disruption or damage.
  • It applies to a variety of materials, including metals, composites, concrete, and ceramics. It can be used in different industries, such as aerospace, civil engineering, oil and gas, and manufacturing. AE testing is effective for both laboratory-based research and field testing.
  • AE testing provides quantitative data that allows for statistical analysis, trending, and comparison with baseline data to assess the severity and progression of damage over time.
  • Continuously monitoring acoustic emissions, Acoustic Emission Testing helps in developing proactive maintenance strategies and determining the optimal time for inspections or repairs. This can lead to cost savings and increased safety.

Eddy Current Testing

An Air Force engineer uses an eddy current rotary unit to identify possible cracks or weaknesses on an F-15 aircraft wing

Another technique popular in NDT aircraft maintenance is eddy current testing. 

  • Near the test surface, a specially made coil powered by an alternating current is inserted, creating a fluctuating magnetic field that interacts with the test part and causes eddy currents in the area. 
  • Changes to the alternative current flowing in the primary excitation coil are then measured, along with variations in the changing phases and magnitude of these eddy currents. 
  • Variations in electrical conductivity, the test part's magnetic permeability, or the existence of any discontinuities will affect the eddy current, which will in turn vary the measured current's phases and amplitude. Defects are found by interpreting the changes as they are displayed on a screen.

Advantages of Eddy Current Testing in NDT

Advantages of Eddy Current Testing in NDT

  • Eddy current testing can detect and characterise defects such as cracks, pits, corrosion, and material loss even if they are very small or not readily visible to the naked eye.
  • The Eddy current testing process is typically quick and can be performed in real-time, allowing for efficient evaluation of large areas or high-volume production environments.
  • It is a non-contact method, which makes it suitable for delicate or fragile components, as it minimizes the risk of damage during the inspection process.
  • ECT is particularly useful for identifying inconsistencies or changes in the material composition, such as heat treatment effects, alloy sorting, or the presence of foreign materials.
  • Eddy current testing allows for the adjustment of the testing parameters to control the depth of penetration. This flexibility enables inspectors to focus on specific regions of interest and adapt the technique to the thickness and conductivity of the material being inspected.

Magnetic Particle Testing

Magnetic Particle Testing of an aircraft component

Magnetic particle inspection, often known as MT or MPI, is primarily thought of as a surface investigation technique. 

  • There are numerous different methods of performing magnetic particle inspection (MPI). 
  • The most flexible method uses a magnetic "ink" made of iron powder particles suspended in a liquid carrier base, a 110-volt AC hand-held electromagnetic yoke magnet, and white strippable paint as a contrasting background. 
  • The yoke magnet is used to magnetize the area. The lines of magnetic force will sag around any surface or barely subsurface flaws that are present. 
  • When the magnetic ink is applied, the iron powder particles will fill in the defect's gap and provide a clear indication against the background of white contrast.

Advantages of Magnetic Particle Testing in NDT

Advantages of Magnetic Particle Testing in NDT

  • Magnetic Particle Inspection can detect both surface and close-to-surface flaws.
  • Rapid examination and immediate outcomes Inspectors can see indications on the specimen's surface and find flaws that have been covered up.
  • Check irregularly shaped elements, such as connecting rods, crankshafts, and exterior splines.

Read Now - Exploring the Top Non-Destructive Testing Methods

Infrared Evaluation

Infrared view of a robotic lander test performed by NASA

Thermal imaging is used in infrared evaluation, commonly referred to as infrared non-destructive testing, to identify and assess flaws or irregularities in materials or structures. It entails analyzing the infrared radiation that an object emits to ascertain its thermal properties and spot any irregularities. 

What are the applications of Infrared Evaluation NDT in the aerospace industry?

Principles of Infrared Radiation 

  • Everything warmer than absolute zero emits infrared radiation. 
  • The temperature and thermal characteristics of the object determine the quantity and distribution of radiation. 
  • This radiation is observed and measured using infrared cameras is a crucial part of Non-Destructive Testing in the Aerospace Industry.  


  • Specialised tools like infrared cameras or thermal imaging systems are needed for infrared evaluation. 
  • These tools are capable of spotting and logging temperature changes in the Aviation Industry on an object's or structure's surface. 
  • During an infrared evaluation, a thermal stimulus, such as a heat source or a temperature change, is applied to the object or structure being evaluated to detect defects. 
  • Any imperfections or abnormalities will alter the heat distribution and produce fluctuations in surface temperature when the object reacts to the stimuli. 
  • The infrared camera records the radiation that is released to produce a thermal image of the object or structure. 
  • With different colours or grayscale levels showing temperature changes, this graphic depicts the dispersion of surface temperature.

Analysis and Interpretation 

  • Potential flaws or inconsistencies are found by analysing the thermal image at the manufacturing and testing phases in the Aviation Industry. 
  • Anomalies in temperature, such as in hot or cold regions, might point to problems such as voids, moisture intrusion, cracks, delaminations, or structural damage. 

Quantitative Measurement 

  • Temperature variations can also be measured quantitatively using infrared analysis in the Aviation Industry. 
  • It is possible to determine the severity or scope of a fault by contrasting the temperature readings at particular places or regions. 

Advantages of Infrared Evaluation in NDT 

  • It is appropriate for evaluating inaccessible or dangerous regions because it is non-contact in the Aviation Industry. 
  • Rapid infrared evaluation enables quick inspection of huge areas. Additionally, it can find subsurface flaws by sensing temperature differences on the surface,
  • Some restrictions apply to infrared evaluation. It may not be able to find internal problems but is largely helpful for surface and near-surface defects.
  • The accuracy and dependability of the results can be impacted by elements like the object's emissivity, surface characteristics, and environmental factors.
  • It aids in finding concealed flaws, keeping track of thermal performance, and ensuring the robustness and security of materials and structures in the Aviation Industry. 

The Future of NDT in the Aviation Industry

Non-destructive testing methods are the foundation of quality control and safety assurance in the aviation sector.

  • NDT techniques tailored specifically for aircraft inspection, including radiographic, ultrasonic, magnetic particle, and eddy current testing, preserve the aircraft's airworthiness and enhance passenger safety. 
  • With the advent of novel materials, such as composites and advanced alloys, and the growing complexity of aircraft designs, NDT techniques will play an increasingly crucial role in ensuring the safety and reliability of aircraft. 
  • Each novel NDT approach, from robotics and automation to cutting-edge techniques like real-time monitoring systems and predictive maintenance algorithms will streamline inspection procedures, improving efficiency and accuracy while reducing human error.

The aviation industry's unblemished safety record and the highest standards of quality and dependability depend on the continued development and implementation of NDT Techniques. 

Key Takeaways

  • NDT methods like acoustic emission testing and eddy current testing provide real-time monitoring capabilities, enabling proactive maintenance and ensuring optimal aircraft performance.
  • The continued development and implementation of NDT techniques are essential for maintaining the aviation industry's unparalleled safety standards and quality assurance.


1. How do robotics and automation enhance NDT processes in aviation?

A: Robotics and automation enhance NDT processes in aviation by streamlining inspections, improving efficiency, and reducing human error through precise and repetitive tasks.

2. What role do predictive maintenance algorithms play in aircraft safety?

A: Robotics and automation enhance NDT processes in aviation by streamlining inspections, improving efficiency, and reducing human error through precise and repetitive tasks.

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