Published on 08-Oct-2021

The Impact of Remote Visual Inspection (RVI) on Businesses

The Impact of Remote Visual Inspection (RVI) on Businesses

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RVI, the full form of which is Remote Visual Inspection eliminates the need for direct physical contact, making it effective in situations where accessibility is challenging or poses safety risks. 

RVI relies on advanced imaging devices and tools to capture visual data remotely, providing valuable insights without the need for human presence in the inspected area.

What is RVI Inspection?

Cable climbing robot

RVI is a technology that allows professionals to inspect and assess the condition of objects, structures, or systems from a distance. It is crucial in various industries, including manufacturing, aerospace, and oil and gas. Advancements in robotics and high-resolution imaging have revolutionised RVI, providing real-time, detailed visual data. Challenges include accessibility, lighting, and data security. RVI inspection offers cost-efficiency, time-saving features, and improved maintenance processes.

Proper training and skill development are essential for RVI technicians in Non-destructive Testing. Future trends include integration with AI and the miniaturisation of inspection devices. RVI contributes to a reduced physical footprint and energy efficiency. Despite common misconceptions, RVI has versatile applications and is user-friendly with Non-destructive Evaluation. It also facilitates virtual inspections and remote collaboration capabilities, promoting flexibility and decision-making.

How Does Remote Visual Inspection Work?

A drone equipped with a camera

Remote Visual Inspection (RVI) works by utilising specialised cameras and imaging devices that are designed to capture high-resolution visuals in real-time. 

These devices are often equipped with features such as flexible robotic arms or drones, allowing them to navigate complex environments. The captured images or videos are then transmitted to a remote location, where an inspector or NDT professional can analyse the data. One of the key aspects of RVI is its ability to reach and inspect areas that are difficult for humans to access safely. This includes confined spaces, heights, or environments with potential hazards. The technology not only enhances safety but also improves efficiency by reducing the time and resources required for inspections.

Equipment used in Remote Visual Inspection include:

  • High-definition cameras for clear image and video capture.
  • Robotic arms with articulation capabilities to reach difficult areas.
  • Imaging devices equipped with advanced optics for detailed inspection.
  • Drones for aerial inspections in large or hazardous environments.

Remote Visual Inspection Systems involve the following:

  • Integration of cameras, robotic arms, and drones into a cohesive inspection system.
  • Real-time data transmission to remote locations for immediate analysis.
  • Software platforms for data processing and visualisation.

Sensors and Data Gathering Equipment include:

  • High-resolution imaging sensors for capturing detailed visuals.
  • Thermal cameras for detecting temperature variations and identifying potential issues.
  • Ultrasonic sensors for detecting internal flaws not visible to the naked eye.

By incorporating these remote visual inspection tools and RVI equipment into their practices, businesses can leverage the full capabilities of the remote visual inspection system to perform efficient and safe inspections. 

Remote inspection services enable detailed analysis and maintenance planning, contributing significantly to operational excellence across various industries.

Remote Visual Inspection (RVI) Methods

The Inukton Pipeline inspection robot

Remote visual inspection employs various methods to conduct inspections, each tailored to specific requirements and conditions. 

The various methods include:

Comparison Measurement: 

Comparison measurement in RVI involves capturing the visual data of an object or structure and comparing it to a reference standard.

  • This method is particularly useful for detecting deviations or anomalies that may indicate defects or irregularities.
  • High-resolution images enable inspectors to conduct a detailed analysis and make informed decisions based on the comparison.

Stereo Measurement: 

Stereo measurement utilises the principle of depth perception to create three-dimensional images from two slightly offset perspectives.

  • This method enhances the accuracy of measurements and provides a more comprehensive understanding of the inspected object's spatial characteristics.
  • Stereo measurement is valuable in situations where precise measurements are crucial, such as in manufacturing or assessing structural integrity.

Shadow Measurement: 

Shadow measurement involves analysing the shadows cast by an object under specific lighting conditions. Variations in shadows can reveal surface irregularities, deformities, or structural damage. This method is effective in situations where direct Visual Inspection may be challenging, and it adds an additional layer of detail to the inspection process.

How Do You Use Remote Visual Inspection Equipment?

Robot by MAINBLADES used for automated aircraft damage assessment

Using remote visual inspection equipment involves a systematic approach to ensuring effective and accurate results. Here's a step-by-step guide:


Before using the equipment, ensure it is in optimal working condition. Check batteries, connectivity, and any additional features. Proper calibration may be necessary for precise measurements.


Depending on the type of equipment, deploy it to the target inspection area. This may involve manual placement, drone deployment, or the use of robotic arms, depending on the design and purpose of the equipment.


Set up the equipment according to the specific requirements of the inspection. Adjust camera angles, lighting conditions, and any other parameters that may influence the quality of the visual data.

Remote Connection

Establish a secure and stable remote connection to receive the visual data. This may involve using dedicated software or platforms designed for remote visual inspection. Ensure that the transmission is encrypted to maintain data security.

Monitoring and Analysis

Once the equipment is in position, monitor the live feed or recorded data remotely. Inspectors or technicians can analyse the visuals in real time, looking for anomalies, defects, or any other pertinent information.


Document the findings and capture screenshots or video recordings as necessary. This documentation serves as a record for future reference, analysis, or compliance purposes.

When to Use Remote Visual Inspection?

A video nozzle being used to inspect a sewer

Remote visual inspections have ample uses in NDT Testing and other industrial processes. 

To Improve Safety

Remote visual testing is invaluable when working in hazardous environments or situations where human access may pose a safety risk. It minimises the need for NDT Technicians to physically enter dangerous spaces, reducing the likelihood of accidents.

To Access Difficult Locations

When inspecting areas that are difficult to reach or navigate, such as confined spaces, heights, or underwater environments, remote visual inspection services are highly beneficial. The equipment can be manoeuvred to access these locations with ease.

To Perform a Risk Assessment

Before initiating complex or potentially risky tasks, using remote visual inspection tools aids in conducting thorough risk assessments. This proactive approach allows for better planning and decision-making, enhancing overall project safety.

Remote Operations Performed in RVI

The remote operations performed by RVI include:

Remote Cleaning Services:

Remote cleaning services utilise specialised tools and robotic systems to conduct thorough maintenance in areas that are inaccessible or hazardous. These services enhance operational efficiency and safety standards by eliminating the need for physical presence during cleaning operations.

Remote Asset Maintenance:

Remote asset maintenance involves monitoring and maintaining assets from a distance using advanced imaging technology. By detecting signs of wear, corrosion, or damage through real-time visual data, businesses can minimise downtime, extend asset lifespan, and reduce the risk of failures, all without the need for on-site intervention.

Remote Handling, Tooling, and Foreign Object Search and Retrieval (FOSAR) Services:

Remote handling, tooling, and FOSAR services utilise specialised tools and robotic systems to perform tasks in hazardous or inaccessible environments. These services enhance operational efficiency and safety compliance by enabling operators to remotely handle objects, perform intricate tasks, and search for and retrieve foreign objects without risking human safety. By incorporating these remote visual inspection services into RVI practices, businesses can optimise efficiency, safety, and cost-effectiveness in industrial inspections.

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What Are the Benefits of Using Remote Visual Inspection?

There are several benefits of using remote visual inspection technology. Firstly, it allows for the inspection of hard-to-reach or hazardous areas without putting human inspectors at risk. Here are a few benefits of remote visual inspection that aid in various NDT Techniques and NDT services.

Efficiency and Time Savings

RVI significantly reduces the time required for inspections, as it eliminates the need for physical setup and human presence in the inspection area. This efficiency translates to quicker decision-making and operational processes.

Enhanced Safety

The primary benefit of RVI is the improvement of safety conditions. By removing the need for human entry into hazardous environments, the technology reduces the risk of accidents and ensures the well-being of personnel.


Remote visual inspection can lead to cost savings by reducing the manpower and resources required for traditional inspections. The efficiency of the process contributes to its overall cost-effectiveness.

Accurate and Detailed Data

High-resolution imaging and advanced measurement methods in RVI equipment provide accurate and detailed data. This precision is crucial for making informed decisions and identifying potential issues.

Flexibility and Accessibility

RVI allows inspections in a wide range of environments, including those with limited accessibility. The flexibility of the equipment makes it suitable for various industries and applications. The benefits of Remote visual inspection as an NDT Method are improved safety, time savings, and an accurate data collection position. As technology continues to advance, the role of remote visual inspection is likely to expand, contributing to safer and more effective inspection processes.

Key Takeaways

  • Remote Visual Inspection (RVI) is a technology that enables professionals to inspect objects, structures, or systems from a distance.
  • Enhancing production efficiency and safety compliance in the manufacturing, aerospace, oil, and gas sectors is done with RVI.
  • Advancements in robotics and high-resolution imaging have revolutionized RVI, providing detailed visual data in real-time.
  • Challenges include accessibility, lighting, and data security.
  • RVI offers cost efficiency, time-saving features, improved maintenance processes, and enhanced safety measures.
  • Future trends include integration with artificial intelligence and miniaturization of inspection devices.


1. What is the meaning of RVI in maintenance?

A: In maintenance, RVI refers to remote visual inspection, a method used to inspect and assess the condition of machinery, equipment, or infrastructure without the need for physical proximity. It aids in identifying defects, ensuring timely maintenance, and improving overall operational efficiency.

2. What is the remote inspection process?

A: The remote inspection process involves deploying specialized equipment, such as cameras or drones, to capture visual data from a distance. This data is then transmitted to a remote location for analysis. The process allows for inspections in challenging or hazardous environments without direct human involvement.

3. What are the uses of remote inspection technologies?

A: Remote inspection technologies find applications across various industries. They are used for inspecting manufacturing processes, assessing structural integrity in construction, inspecting pipelines in the Oil and Gas Sector, and ensuring compliance in aerospace. The technology is versatile, providing efficient solutions for inspections in diverse environments.

4. What are examples of remote-control technology?

A: Examples of remote-control technology include devices that can be operated from a distance, such as drones, robotic arms, and remotely controlled cameras. In the context of remote visual inspection, these technologies enable professionals to manoeuvre and control inspection devices without direct physical contact, ensuring safety and precision.


  • Wikipedia
  • sewerrobotics

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