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Radiation Safety - Xray

Course title


This course is designed to provide participants with a fundamental understanding of radiation principles and safety regulations specifically related to X-rays. It offers comprehensive knowledge about the properties of radiation, its interactions, biological effects, and methods for measuring radiation exposure.

What will I learn

Course Overview:

This course is designed to provide participants with a fundamental understanding of radiation principles and safety regulations specifically related to X-rays. It offers comprehensive knowledge about the properties of radiation, its interactions, biological effects, and methods for measuring radiation exposure. Additionally, the course covers the production and characteristics of X-rays, radiation protection legislation, control of radiation hazards, and quality control measures.

Course Content:

Module 1: Properties of Radiation

  • Explore the nature and characteristics of radiation.

Module 2: Interactions of Radiation

  • Understand how radiation interacts with matter.

Module 3: Biological Effects of Radiation

  • Examine the impact of radiation on living organisms.

Module 4: Background Radiation and Measurement of Radiation

  • Learn about naturally occurring radiation and techniques for measuring radiation levels.

Module 5: Production and Characteristics of X-rays

  • Gain insights into X-ray generation and the properties of X-rays.

Module 6: Radiation Protection Legislation (ON Reg 861/90)

  • Navigate the specific regulations governing radiation protection.

Module 7: Control of Radiation Hazards

  • Understand methods and protocols for controlling radiation hazards.

Module 8: Quality Control

  • Explore procedures for ensuring the quality and safety of radiation-related processes.

This course equips participants with essential knowledge regarding radiation principles and safety regulations as they pertain to X-ray applications. Whether you are entering a profession that involves X-ray technology or seeking to enhance your understanding of radiation safety in this context, this course is a valuable resource.

About this institute

Institute Name : Canadian Institute for Non-destructive Evaluation

Language : English

Charge : Paid

Location : Hamilton, ON

Mode : Online

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The Canadian Institute for Non-Destructive Evaluation (CINDE) was formed in 2001 from the merger of The Canadian Society for Nondestructive Testing (CSNDT) and the NDE Institute of Canada.  It is Canada’s non-profit, member-based, technical society dedicated to the people and companies engaged in the business of non-destructive evaluation (NDE), non-destructive testing (NDT), and inspection.  CINDE offers world-class NDT training, is a government-approved full-service certification examination center, and offers many member services including an internationally recognized conference and chapter events.

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