Published on 07-May-2024

Crawler Robots: Your Guide to the Top Robotic Crawlers

Crawler Robots: Your Guide to the Top Robotic Crawlers

Sources - PICRYL

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The inception of robotic crawlers came from the necessity to inspect pipelines efficiently and effectively, particularly in environments inaccessible to humans. Traditional inspection methods were often cumbersome and time-consuming, requiring significant human intervention and posing safety risks in hazardous or confined spaces. Robotic crawlers addressed these challenges by offering a versatile and autonomous solution for navigating terrains and conducting thorough inspections.

Robotic crawlers have revolutionised the field of NDT by offering efficient and accurate inspection solutions in critical infrastructure such as pipelines. By autonomously navigating through pipelines and conducting inspections in real-time, these crawlers enhance the reliability and safety of infrastructure assets while minimising downtime and operational disruptions.

What are Robotic Crawlers?

A Six-legged walking robot by VEX Robotics

In Robotics terminology, a crawler is an autonomous Crawling Machine Designed to Traverse Confined Spaces, narrow passages, or challenging terrains. These mobile robotic crawlers typically feature tracks or wheels for propulsion and employ sensors and onboard systems for navigation and inspection tasks. Robotic crawlers excel in accessing terrains that are otherwise difficult or impossible for humans to navigate.

These include:

  • Narrow pipes
  • Confined spaces
  • Elevated surfaces and 
  • Underwater environments. 

Several renowned robotic crawlers have made significant contributions to the field of pipe inspection. 

  • One notable example is the Inuktun Versatrax, widely utilised for its versatility and adaptability in various industries, including oil and gas, petrochemicals, and utilities. 
  • Another prominent crawler is the BIKE Crawler Robot, by Waygate Technologies, used for Visual inspection in power plants and other applications in the oil and gas industries.

Their agile and adaptable nature allows them to traverse inaccessible working environments providing a comprehensive range of movement for inspection tasks. Crawler Robots have enhanced the reliability and longevity of Pipeline Networks by significantly improving asset management practices.

Types of Robotic Crawlers

A representation of a Crawling Robot

A robotic crawler typically comprises a series of interconnected links equipped with joints that facilitate movement. 

  • These links mimic the segmented structure of certain arthropods, such as insects and crustaceans, allowing the crawler to manoeuvre through tight spaces and around obstacles. 
  • Each link has actuators, sensors, and communication devices, enabling autonomous operation and real-time data transmission. 
  • The joints between links provide flexibility and articulation, allowing the crawler to adapt to varying pipe diameters and terrain conditions.

The Types of Robotic Crawlers include:

1. Pipe Crawlers:

pipe crawler

Pipe crawlers boast a compact and streamlined design making them adept at navigating through narrow pipelines, enabling flexibility and adaptability to different pipe configurations, and ensuring efficient inspection capabilities.

  • Equipped with articulated joints, pipe crawlers mimic the mobility of crawling organisms, allowing them to traverse pipelines easily. 
  • Autonomous crawling machines, such as pipe crawlers, rely on onboard sensors and imaging systems for navigation and inspection tasks. 

This autonomous functionality enhances efficiency and accuracy, reducing the need for human intervention in hazardous environments.

  • Pipe crawlers exhibit multidirectional movement capabilities, including forward and backward motion, and rotational movement to navigate bends and curves in pipelines. 

Their multi-axial mobility ensures thorough inspection coverage, contributing to pipeline integrity maintenance.

Read More, Elevating Infrastructure Integrity: Innovations in Small Pipe Inspections

2. Wall Crawlers:

wall crawler

Wall crawlers feature a robust design with suction cups, magnetic wheels, or grippers, enabling them to adhere securely to vertical surfaces, ensuring stability during inspection tasks, even in challenging industrial environments.

  • Wall crawlers can traverse vertical walls and tanks easily. This mechanism ensures enhanced safety and efficiency of inspection operations by reliably adhering to surfaces.
  • Wall crawlers, utilise onboard sensors and imaging systems to navigate and inspect vertical surfaces.

This autonomous functionality enables them to detect defects and anomalies while minimising the need for human intervention.

  • Wall crawlers demonstrate versatile movement capabilities, including vertical, horizontal, and rotational motion along vertical surfaces.

This extensive range of movement allows them to cover large surface areas efficiently, contributing to comprehensive inspection procedures.

  • Equipped with suction cups, magnetic wheels, or grippers, wall crawlers showcase innovative mobility solutions for industrial applications.

3. Tank Crawlers:

Tank Crawler

Tank crawlers feature a compact and manoeuvrable design, equipped with tracks, wheels, or suction mechanisms for propulsion, enabling them to navigate confined spaces within tanks and vessels, and facilitating thorough inspections.

  • Tank crawlers utilise a linking mechanism that allows navigation through Confined Spaces while maintaining stability within tanks and vessels. 

This mechanism ensures reliable operation in challenging environments, contributing to the integrity of industrial infrastructure.

  • Tank crawlers rely on onboard sensors and imaging systems for navigation and inspection tasks within tanks and vessels. 

This autonomous functionality enhances efficiency and accuracy while minimising operational risks.

  • Tank crawlers demonstrate multidirectional movement capabilities, including vertical, horizontal, and rotational motion within tanks and vessels. 

This extensive range of movement enables them to cover the entire interior surface, ensuring comprehensive inspections.

  • Equipped with tracks, wheels, or suction mechanisms, tank crawlers exemplify innovative mobility solutions for confined spaces.

Operating a Crawler Robot

Wall Climbing Robot

Operating a crawler robot involves understanding its capabilities, deploying it effectively, and ensuring optimal performance during tasks.

Understanding Capabilities:

  • The operator should be familiarised with mobility mechanisms, sensors, and onboard systems before operating a crawler robot. 
  • Knowing the range of movement, navigation capabilities, and payload capacity of the crawler robot is essential for planning and executing tasks efficiently.

Effective Deployment:

  • Deploying a crawler robot involves selecting the appropriate entry point and ensuring a clear path for navigation.
  • Calibrating sensors and onboard systems to the operating environment ensures accurate data collection and navigation.

Optimizing Performance:

  • Monitoring the performance of the crawler robot during operation allows for real-time adjustments and troubleshooting.
  • Regular maintenance, including cleaning, lubrication, and software updates, helps maintain optimal performance and prolongs the lifespan of the crawler robot.

Robot Crawler Modifications and Additional Features

Customising a crawler robot for specific tasks involves tailoring its design, sensors, and functionality to meet the requirements of the intended application. Some customisations that may be applied to Robotic Crawlers include:

Design Modifications:

  • Modifying the physical structure of the crawler robot, such as adding protective casings or adjusting dimensions, enhances its suitability for specific environments.
  • Integrating additional components, such as manipulator arms or tool attachments, expands the capabilities of the crawler robot for specialised tasks.

Sensor Configuration:

  • Customising sensor configurations, including adding or upgrading sensors, improves the crawler robot's ability to collect relevant data for specific tasks.
  • Adjusting sensor parameters, such as sensitivity and range, optimises performance in varying environmental conditions.

Functionality Enhancement:

  • Enhancing onboard systems, such as navigation algorithms or communication protocols, enables the crawler robot to perform complex tasks autonomously.
  • Integrating remote-control capabilities allows for manual intervention when necessary, enhancing flexibility and adaptability in dynamic situations.

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Task-Specific Programming:

Programming the crawler robot with task-specific algorithms and routines enables it to execute predefined sequences of actions efficiently. Fine-tuning control parameters, such as speed and precision, ensures optimal performance for specific tasks, such as inspection or maintenance.

Adapting to Environments:

Customising the crawler robot for specific environments, such as underwater or hazardous areas, involves incorporating features such as waterproofing or protective coatings. Implementing environmental sensors and hazard detection systems enhances safety and reliability during operation in challenging conditions.

One example of a robotic crawler modification may include getting a crawler to move vertically. Getting your crawler vertical involves deploying specialised climbing mechanisms or attachments to enable vertical movement. To do so, the modifications would include:

  • Installing climbing tracks, suction cups, or grippers on the crawler's chassis to provide traction and stability on vertical surfaces.
  • Ensuring the crawler is equipped with sufficient power and control systems to support vertical movement and maintain stability during operation.
  • Thorough testing and calibration to ensure the crawler's climbing capabilities meet the requirements of the inspection mission.

Robotic Crawler Tracks

A simplified track system for a robot by HepcoMotion, used for operating on a car

Robotic Crawler Tracks Choosing the right tracks for your inspection crawler ensures optimal performance and manoeuvrability in various terrains and environments. The different types of Tracks available include:

Brass Tracks:

  • Brass tracks offer excellent durability and corrosion resistance, making them suitable for harsh environments such as underwater or industrial settings.
  • These tracks provide superior traction on smooth surfaces, enhancing the crawler's ability to navigate slippery or uneven terrain.
  • Brass tracks are ideal for long-term use and heavy-duty applications, ensuring reliable performance during extended inspection missions.

Stainless Steel Tracks:

  • Stainless steel tracks are renowned for their strength, reliability, and resistance to corrosion and abrasion.
  • These tracks offer excellent stability and traction on a wide range of surfaces, including rough terrain and uneven surfaces.
  • Stainless steel tracks are highly versatile and suitable for various industries, including construction, mining, and infrastructure inspection.

Aluminium Tracks:

  • Aluminium tracks are lightweight yet durable, offering strength and agility.
  • These tracks provide excellent manoeuvrability and speed, making them suitable for rapid deployment and agile navigation in confined spaces.
  • Aluminium tracks are ideal for applications where weight and speed are critical factors, such as search and rescue missions or exploration in remote areas.

Long-Range Tracks:

  • Long-range crawlers have specialised tracks designed to traverse extended distances efficiently.
  • These tracks feature a durable construction and optimised tread pattern, allowing the crawler to maintain traction and stability over long distances.
  • Long-range crawler tracks are ideal for exploration missions, surveying large areas, and conducting inspections in remote or hard-to-reach locations.

Wall Crawling Robot

Robotic Crawlers and NDT

Robotic crawlers are commonly used for a wide range of inspection and maintenance tasks in various industries, including NDT. Some of their applications include:

1. NDT and Inspection Tasks:

Ensuring the integrity and safety of critical infrastructure assets, including pipelines, tanks, and vessels in industries such as Oil and Gas, petrochemicals, and utilities.

2. Pipeline Inspection:

Autonomous navigation through pipelines for detecting defects, corrosion, and leaks, hence facilitating proactive maintenance and timely repairs to minimise downtime and environmental hazards.

3. Structural Assessments:

Assessing bridges, tunnels, and buildings for cracks, deformations, and weaknesses. This ensures structural integrity and safety compliance in construction and infrastructure projects.

4. Underwater Surveys:

Navigating underwater environments to inspect offshore platforms, ship hulls, and underwater structures. This helps identify corrosion, marine growth, and structural damage to maintain marine infrastructure.

5. Search and Rescue Missions:

Accessing confined and hazardous spaces to assist in locating and rescuing trapped individuals, therefore providing manoeuvrability and remote-controlled functionality for emergency operations.

6. Exploration and Surveillance:

Conducting exploration missions in remote or hazardous environments such as mines and disaster zones. This helps offer valuable data and insights for research, mapping, and environmental monitoring efforts.

Robotic crawlers significantly contribute to enhanced safety, productivity, and asset integrity in the NDT industry, utilising their autonomy, mobility, and advanced sensor capabilities across various sectors.

Pipe Crawler Robot

Read in detail - Embracing Aerial Robotics in the Oil and Gas Sector

Key Takeaways

  • Robotic crawlers offer efficient and accurate inspection solutions in critical infrastructure like pipelines, enhancing reliability and safety while minimizing operational disruptions.
  • From pipeline inspection to structural assessments and underwater surveys, robotic crawlers excel in accessing challenging environments, providing comprehensive solutions for a wide range of industries.
  • The ability to customize and modify robotic crawlers for specific tasks enhances their adaptability and effectiveness, ensuring optimal performance in diverse operating conditions.


1. What are the primary applications of robotic crawlers in the NDT industry?

A: Robotic crawlers are commonly used for pipeline inspection, structural assessments, underwater surveys, search and rescue missions, and exploration in hazardous or inaccessible areas.

2. How do robotic crawlers contribute to enhancing safety and efficiency in industrial inspections?

A: By autonomously navigating through challenging terrains and conducting thorough inspections, robotic crawlers minimise the need for human intervention in hazardous environments, reducing operational risks and improving productivity.


1. VEX Robotics

2. Ven Tech Subsea Inspections

3. AUT Solutions

4. Facilities Management

5. HepcoMotion

6. MaterialsPerformance

7. Nexxis

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