Published on 05-Jul-2022

Ultrasonic Leak Detection

Ultrasonic Leak Detection

Saving energy through leak detection in compressed air systems is an important issue in all areas of manufacturing and process technology. Successful leak detection with leak detectors and the associated repairs to the compressed air system, achieves an average saving of 35%. A regular check for leaks with our ultrasonic testing device SONAPHONE or our acoustic camera SONASCREEN not only serves to save energy and cost, but also increases operational safety and plant reliability.

Advantages of Ultrasonic Leak Detection

  • Detect leaks in compressed air, inert gas and vacuum systems
  • Save up to 35 % of the energy costs
  • LeakExpert: Specific app for leak detection and classification for SONAPHONE
  • Visualization of leaks with acoustic camera SONASCREEN
  • Generate leak reports


Reducing energy consumption has a lot of social and political interest as a way of achieving current energy and climate targets. With the implementation of the 2015 EU Energy Efficiency Directive at the latest, companies of a particular size and above are obligated to carry out energy audits or to become certified to standards such as DIN EN ISO 50001 and EMAS.

Compressed air production is an expensive process due to the low level of efficiency, and compressed air losses as a result of leaks provide a lot of potential for increasing energy efficiency. State-of-the-art broadband ultrasound testing technology is an important tool that helps companies to achieve their targets. Smartphone-based devices guide service engineers throughout the entire testing procedure: from regular leak detection and the automatic evaluation of leaks in l/min right through to documentation.

Our ultrasonic testing device SONAPHONE and our acoustic camera SONOASCREEN are used for simple and fast leak detection on compressed air, inert gas and vacuum systems. The different device versions as well as the extensive accessories offer intuitive assistance for leak detection and evaluation with ultrasound.

Leak Detection and Evaluation with SONAPHONE


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Application Notes
