Eddie Pompa
United States

Eddie Pompa

Owner of 4 Point Services

Expertise : NDE Level III, MT, PT, UT, RT; ASNT ACCP NDT Level III, MT, PT, UT; NAS 410 NDE Level III, MT, PT, UT, RT, ET

About Eddie Pompa

Eddie C. Pompa, ASNT #107661 My career in NDT spans 30+ years as an NDT Level III across the Aerospace, Oil & Gas, and Education sectors. I currently work at the Johnson Space Center in Houston Texas as the Safety & Mission Assurance NDT Level III and continue teaching NDT classes at night at the local Lone Star College. My career highlights include working on the Space Shuttle Endeavour, Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer, Columbia Accident investigation, Orion, Pressure vessels, Blow Out Preventers, and sharing these experiences with the next generation of NDT professionals.

As an NDT advocate, I volunteer my time with the local High School where NDT is taught as a career path. The opportunities provided via Experience Events create meaningful experience opportunities for this generation of NDT professionals that prepare them for their careers in NDT and beyond. My passion for NDT has led to his NDT Hero creations that incorporate each NDT method into unique Superheroes that work to protect and make our world safer by preventing disaster by implementing sound inspection and quality assurance processes across all sectors. This art can be seen on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook where he aims to Promote, Inspire, and Educate the world about NDT.

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