

Associate Professor, Hab. Dir. Rech.

Expertise : Signal Processing, data processing, Nonlinear Ultrasonics

About Serge DOS SANTOS

My academic journey started with a Master's Degree in Theoretical Physics, specializing in "Molecular Spectroscopy and Nonlinear Physics" from the University of Dijon, France, in 1995. Building on this foundation, I earned a Ph.D. in Engineering Science in 1998, with a focus on understanding the relationship between low-frequency noise and nonlinearity in synchronized systems. After completing my academic pursuits, I delved into research at the FEMTO Institute (LPMO-CNRS), Besançon, France. Here, my investigations centred on unravelling the origins of low-frequency fluctuations in ultrastable oscillators. Subsequently, I joined the Ultrasonic Group "GIP Ultrasons" in Tours, France, working alongside Professor Léandre Pourcelot. During this period, I made contributions to the development of new applications in medical and Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) through the utilization of Nonlinear Acoustics for Ultrasound Imaging.

Since 1998, I've held the position of Associate Professor, Hab. Dir. Rech. at INSA Centre Val de Loire, Blois, France. Currently, I serve as the Project Manager for "Industry 4.0," leading the charge in overseeing the Digital Transformation within the INSA Group since 2019. My research interests at Inserm U1253 revolve around nonlinear acoustics for NDT, ageing, and structural integrity applications. With 230 references and an H-index of 14 (as of 2023), I've co-authored 55 works, including a book, two book chapters, 22 reviewed contributions, and have actively participated in 164 international conferences (30 as an invited speaker) and 45 seminars or lectures. In recognition of my contributions to the field of Non-Destructive Testing, I was honoured by Academia NDT International as a Full Member in 2010 at ECNDT, Moscow.

Currently, I have held the position of Vice-President since 2021 and am in charge of the "Signal and Data Processing Chapter." As an active member of the IEEE, I attained the status of Senior Member in 2016. Since May 2020, I've been a part of the NDE4.0 Global Ambassadors Panel. My commitment to advancing knowledge in the field is further evident through my involvement in serving on the Organization or Scientific Committee (TPC) of various international conferences and workshops.

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