Published on 24-Feb-2023

Rebound Hammer Test on Concrete - Principle, Procedure

Rebound Hammer Test on Concrete - Principle, Procedure

Sources - GharPedia

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Non-destructive Testing (NDT) is the process of detecting quality without destructing the material or changing its actual properties.

The rebound hammer test is also called as Schmidt hammer or Swiss Hammer or Concrete hammer test.

This NDT Method is used to detect the strength of concrete slabs or rocks by identifying their hardness or elastic properties.

Rebound Hammer Test

How to Estimate Concrete Strength?

Estimating Concrete Strength is a crucial aspect of construction, providing insights into the material's durability and structural integrity. 

The rebound hammer test is a Non-destructive Method widely used to estimate concrete strength.

The test involves striking the concrete surface with a rebound hammer and measuring the rebound index.

This index is then correlated with the concrete's compressive strength using conversion charts or tables.

Concrete strength estimation is a complex process that depends on Rebound Hammer Test Factors such as project requirements, accessibility, and precision.

The UPV test measures the speed of ultrasonic pulses through concrete, which indirectly assesses its compressive strength.

The Penetration Resistance Test measures the resistance encountered in concrete, with higher resistance indicating stronger concrete.

Core testing extracts cores from the structure, while the maturity method monitors the curing process's temperature and time history.

The pull-out test involves inserting a steel rod or stud into concrete and determining its compressive strength.

Combined methods, such as rebound hammer and UPV, provide a more accurate evaluation.

Proper curing, sample representativeness, and correlation charts can help in estimating concrete strength.

Rebound Hammer Test on Concrete

What is a Rebound Hammer (Schmidt Hammer)?

Schmidt’s Hammer Test is based on the principle that the “rebound of a spring-loaded mass depends on the hardness of the concrete mass on which the mass strikes”.

This rebound distance of the rebounded Plunger mass is noted down in the graduated scale as the Rebound number/rebound index.

The graph in the body of the hammer is used to find out the respective compressive strength.

The concrete with low energy and low stiffness absorbs more energy from the plunger and produces a low rebound value on the scale. This is crucial in Calculating Concrete Strength in the Rebound Hammer Test

The Objective of Hammer Rebound Test

  • To assess the compressive strength of concrete
  • To compare the quality of two different concrete pour
  • To assess the quality of concrete against the requirements of construction standards
  • To detect the locations of weak concrete slabs or concrete with voids.

How to Use the Rebound Hammer?

The rebound hammer is a method used to Measure the Strength of Concrete.

It involves the NDT Inspector and NDT Technician preparing the concrete surface, calibrating the hammer, selecting test locations, holding the hammer, striking the surface, taking multiple readings, recording readings, correlating readings, and interpreting results.

The process involves ensuring the surface is clean and free from loose particles or debris by NDT Professionals

The rebound hammer is then placed against the concrete surface, releasing the hammer to measure the rebounded energy.

Factors such as NDT Techniques for Surface Flaws, moisture content, and reinforcing bars should be considered when interpreting the results. 

Rebound Test

Step 1: Calibration

Carry out Rebound Test on a calibrated Anvil, supplied by the manufacturers.

The anvil would be made of Steel with a hardness value of approximately 5000N/mm2.

The rebound hammer should produce reliable results on the anvil.

If yes, proceed with the procedure for inspection; if no, then send the instrument for re-calibration to the manufacturer.

Step 2: Surface Preparation

The test surface should be smooth, clean, and dry. The loosely adhering scales should be ground off using a grinding wheel or stone.

Rough surfaces result from incomplete compaction and loss of grout.

Spalled or tooled surfaces do not give reliable results and should be avoided.

The point of impacting the Rebound Hammer should be at least 20mm away from the edges or corners of the concrete. 

Step 3: Testing

Rebound Testing

Hold the Rebound Hammer at right angles to the test surface with the plunger pin pointing towards the test location.°

Push the plunger against the concrete, and force the cylinder body towards the concrete.

The force causes the latch to release and make an impact on the concrete.

Essentially the rebound of the spring-driven plunger mass is measured in the scale.

Step 4: Interpretation of Results

The result from the test tells us the quality of Concrete or rocks.

How to Calculate Rebound Number?

The measured value is the Rebound Index which is checked in the graph for its corresponding compression strength in N/mm2.

Rebound Hammer Graph

The Graph Contains Three different curves for three Different positions of Testing.

Pos. A – Horizontal Position,

Pos. B- Vertical downwards,

Pos. C – Vertical Upwards,

Applications of Rebound Hammer

The rebound hammer is a versatile tool used in the construction industry for assessing the strength of concrete by NDT Techniques and NDT methods.

Here are the applications where the rebound hammer proves invaluable.

1. Quality Control in Construction

Rebound hammers are extensively employed for quality control during the construction of buildings, bridges, and other structures.

By testing freshly cast concrete or recently cured surfaces, construction teams can quickly assess the uniformity and consistency of the concrete mix, ensuring it meets the specified compressive strength requirements.

2. Structural Health Monitoring

The rebound hammer serves as a reliable tool for ongoing structural health monitoring.

By periodically testing concrete surfaces in existing structures, engineers can assess changes in compressive strength over time.

This is particularly crucial in assessing the impact of environmental conditions, aging, or potential structural issues that may compromise the integrity of the concrete.

Rebound Test on Concrete

3. Assessment of Rehabilitation Work

When structures undergo rehabilitation or maintenance work, rebound hammers play a vital role in evaluating the effectiveness of the repairs.

By comparing rebound values before and after rehabilitation, engineers can gauge the success of interventions and ensure that the repaired sections meet the desired compressive strength standards.

4. Quality Assurance in Material Testing Laboratories

Material testing laboratories use rebound hammers for the quality assurance of concrete samples.

This application is especially useful when testing small batches of concrete for research, ensuring that the material meets specific standards, and verifying the accuracy of laboratory test results.

5. Identification of Anomalies and Weaknesses

Rebound Hammer Tests help identify anomalies and weaknesses within concrete structures.

By conducting tests at different locations, engineers can pinpoint areas with lower rebound values, indicating potential issues such as poor compaction, voids, or compromised concrete quality.

This information guides targeted inspections and necessary corrective actions.

Estimate Concrete Strength Using Rebound Hammer (In-Place Method)

Here are the steps to estimate concrete strength using a rebound hammer (in-place method). 

1. Prepare the Rebound Hammer

Ensure the rebound hammer is calibrated according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Calibration is vital for accurate readings. Use a calibration anvil or a smooth, rigid surface of known hardness to calibrate the rebound hammer.

2. Select Test Locations

Identify representative locations on the concrete surface that reflect the overall quality and characteristics of the concrete.

These should be areas free from visible damage or anomalies.

3. Clean the Surface

Before conducting tests, clean the selected locations on the concrete surface to remove any loose particles or debris.

A clean surface ensures the accuracy of the rebound hammer readings.

4. Hold and Position the Rebound Hammer

Hold the rebound hammer firmly with one hand, making sure your fingers don't obstruct the motion during the test.

Position the hammer perpendicular to the concrete surface at the chosen test location.

5. Strike the Concrete Surface

Press the rebound hammer against the concrete surface and release it in a quick and consistent motion to strike the surface.

The rebound hammer measures the energy rebounded from the surface and displays a rebound number on its scale.

6. Take Multiple Readings

For each test location, take multiple readings to ensure accuracy. Aim for at least three readings and ensure consistency.

If there are significant variations, take additional readings or investigate further.

7. Record Rebound Values

Record the rebound values obtained at each test location.

These values will be used for subsequent analysis and correlation with concrete compressive strength.

8. Correlate with Compressive Strength

Refer to the correlation chart or table provided by the rebound hammer manufacturer.

Use this chart to convert rebound values into an estimated compressive strength.

Different charts may be available for various concrete mixtures or ages.

9. Assess Variations

Analyze the results to understand the variation in estimated compressive strength across different locations.

Higher rebound values generally indicate higher compressive strength, while lower values may suggest potential issues with concrete quality.

10. Consider External Factors

Be mindful of external Factors Influencing Rebound Hammer results, such as surface finish, moisture content, and the presence of reinforcing bars. Consider these factors when interpreting the estimated compressive strength.

What affects Rebound Hammer Readings?

Here are key elements that can impact rebound hammer readings. 

1. Concrete Mixture and Composition

The homogeneity of the concrete mixture plays a crucial role.

Variations in aggregate distribution, curing conditions, and the overall mix design can impact rebound values.

2. Surface Moisture Content

Excessive moisture on the concrete surface can affect rebound readings. Wet surfaces may result in lower rebound values, potentially leading to an underestimation of concrete strength.

3. Surface Texture and Finish

The texture of the concrete surface can influence rebound values.

Smoother surfaces may yield higher rebound readings, while rough or uneven surfaces can lead to lower values.

4. Presence of Coatings or Paint

Concrete surfaces coated with paint or other substances can impact the rebound hammer's interaction with the material, potentially altering the rebound values.

Hammer Rebound test

Standards for Rebound Test Hammer

Several standards govern the use of rebound test hammers, providing guidelines for their calibration, usage, and interpretation of results. Here are some key standards relevant to the rebound test hammer.

1. BS EN 12504

BS EN 12504 is a British standard that holds the key to the proper calibration of our Rebound Test Hammers.

Calibration is the heartbeat of accuracy, ensuring that each tap delivers reliable results.

This standard provides a step-by-step guide akin to a detective's checklist, ensuring our rebound test hammer is in its prime investigative form.

2. IS: 13311(2)-1992

IS: 13311(2)-1992 is about the specifics of rebound test hammer instrumentation.

This standard lays out the precise requirements for calibrating rebound test hammers, ensuring that the instrument remains sharp and accurate.

Benefits of Rebound Hammer Test

  • The primary benefit of using the Rebound Hammer Test is that the direction of impact while testing can be variable, i.e., it can be used in a horizontal, vertical, or angled orientation.
  • The Rebound Hammer Test also provides the option of testing old structures to estimate their longevity. The apparatus is also affordable and portable compared to other NDT Techniques.
  • This process is also quick and saves skilled labor hours expended by organizations.

Rebound Hammer Test Benefits

Final Word

The rebound hammer test serves as a valuable and widely used Non-destructive Tool for assessing the compressive strength of concrete.

By providing a quick and convenient means of determining the hardness of the material, the rebound hammer aids in quality control and structural integrity assessments.

The interpretation of rebound values requires expertise and consideration of potential limitations.

As with any NDT Testing Technique, proper calibration and adherence to standardized procedures are essential to ensuring the accuracy and reliability of results. 

Key Takeaways

  • Rebound hammer test is a form of Non-destructive Testing that allows for material quality assessment without altering its properties.
  • Rebound hammer is also known as Schmidt hammer, Swiss hammer, or Concrete hammer test.
  • The Rebound Hammer Test is crucial in estimating concrete strength, providing insights into the material's durability and structural integrity.
  • Other methods, such as the UPV Test, penetration resistance test, core testing, and maturity method, complement the rebound hammer test.
  • The rebound hammer measures the rebound of a spring-loaded mass, with the rebound distance correlated to concrete hardness.
  • The rebound hammer test aims to evaluate compressive strength and compare concrete pour quality.
  • The rebound hammer is widely used in structural health monitoring, rehabilitation assessment, material testing laboratories, and the identification of anomalies in concrete structures.
  • The NDT Testing Process involves calibration, surface preparation, proper hammer positioning, force application, and interpreting results to assess concrete quality.


1. Why is the Rebound Hammer Test Done?

A: The Rebound Hammer Test is conducted to assess the compressive strength of concrete.

It provides a quick and Non-destructive Testing way to gauge the concrete's resistance to deformation and its overall structural integrity.

This test is particularly valuable in evaluating the quality of concrete in situ, ensuring it meets the required standards for construction projects.

2. What is the Unit of the Rebound Hammer?

A: The unit of the rebound hammer is a dimensionless value represented by the Rebound Hammer Index (RHI).

The RHI is derived from the difference between the hammer's impact energy and the energy rebounded from the concrete surface.

This index serves as a relative measure of concrete hardness, aiding in the assessment of its compressive strength.

3. What is the Calibration of a Rebound Hammer?

A: Calibration of the rebound hammer is a critical process to ensure accurate and reliable test results.

It involves verifying the instrument's performance against a known standard.

During calibration, the rebound hammer is tested on a concrete surface with known compressive strength.

Any deviation from the expected rebound values prompts adjustments to the instrument, maintaining its precision.

4. What is the Conclusion of the Rebound Hammer Test?

A: The Rebound Hammer Test provides valuable insights into the compressive strength of concrete.

A higher rebound value generally indicates a stronger and more durable concrete structure.

Conversely, a lower rebound value may indicate potential issues with the concrete's quality or strength.

The conclusion drawn from the test influences decisions on construction processes, ensuring the reliability and safety of the structure.

5. How Do You Calculate Rebound Hammer Strength?

A: The Calculation of Rebound Hammer Strength involves comparing the rebound values obtained during the test with established correlation charts or conversion tables.

These charts correlate rebound values to concrete compressive strength. By referencing the rebound index against the corresponding compressive strength, one can estimate the concrete's overall strength without resorting to destructive testing methods.


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