Published on 20-Mar-2023

5 Must-have Certifications for every NDT Technician

5 Must-have Certifications for every NDT Technician

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In the manufacturing, aerospace, construction, and oil and gas industries, among others, non-destructive testing, or NDT, is essential for guaranteeing the integrity and safety of a variety of structures, components, and materials. NDT technicians are responsible for conducting tests and inspections using various methods to detect flaws or irregularities without causing damage to the tested materials.

Why is it Important for an NDT Inspector to be Certified?

The interpretation of results in NDT is not easy, unlike the other methods. For example — when it comes to destructive testing, such as hardness or tensile testing, the outcomes can be directly readable from the screen. On the other hand, NDT results cannot be read directly, thus demanding additional competence in evaluation. Consequently, codes and standards proclaim that the inspector should complete their education, training, and experience.

In most cases, the inspectors must have either Level I, II, or III Certifications in the test procedure. If the NDT Inspector has not fulfilled the qualification criteria, he/she should be slowed from engaging in NDT activities. This is so because there is zero assurance that the candidate has sufficient skills to analyze the results, and it becomes extremely risky to accept the results. 

A candidate, before completing his/her, is considered an "NDT Trainee." An NDT trainee has to work under Level I or Level II supervision. The trainee must not perform the testing procedures all alone. According to the SNT TC 1A — “A trainee is a person being initially trained and is yet to be qualified and certified. The trainee should work with a certified individual. The trainee shall not independently conduct, interpret, evaluate, or report the results of any NDT test”. Level I certification provides enough assurance that the inspector has the required competency to perform equipment calibration and carry out the testing as per the NDT Process. Plus, Level II NDT Inspectors also possess the skills for interpretation of the results and evaluation. They must have proper knowledge of NDT Standards and Codes.

5 Best Certifications for NDT Technicians