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Responsible Level 3 Duties and Authorities per NAS 410

This webinar is a general guide for the Level III and is designed to help Level IIIs understand and improve their program.

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With the mass retirement of company Level IIIs in every industry, many exemplary Level IIs find themselves in the unexpected and sometimes immediate predicament of qualifying to become the Designated Company or Responsible Level III. Without a local mentor or someone to guide the Level II placed in this situation, the experience can be stressful and sometimes simply a confusing process. As an ASNT instructor for the Basic Level III course, the presenter engages with many Level IIs and Level IIIs who ask her advice and mentorship to help them understand, improve, and often develop NDT programs where no NDT programs exist.

This webinar is a general guide for the Level III and is designed to help Level IIIs understand and improve their program in the following areas:

  • Understanding requirements, responsibilities, and authorities when becoming the Designated Company / Responsible Level III.
  • Understanding and developing the Written Practice to meet qualification documents for NAS 410.
  • Qualifying, certifying, and surveillance for Level III technical performance evaluationsand recertifying NDT Level I and II personnel.

It is the intent of this webinar to offer a structure for the new Level III assuming this challenging role or the Level III struggling to maintain or develop a program without immediate guidance. NDT personnel of all levels and Quality Assurance personnel are encouraged to attend this fun, interactive, and fast-paced presentation. Attendees can expect to see many examples, take lots of notes, and ask many questions.


Toni Bailey

Antionette “Toni” Bailey is a US Air Force Veteran and an ASNT / NAS 410 NDT Level III certified in the methods of PT, MT, ET, UT, RT, and Nital Etch. She is an NDT Instructor, Examiner, and Auditor for the aerospace and defense industries. Toni volunteers her time to advance the next generation of NDTers as the Regional Director for ASNT Region 2 and Chairman of the ASNT Electromagnetic Testing Committee. She is honored to have been awarded the ASNT Award for the Advancement of Women in NDT in October 2016 and the ASNT Mentor Award in 2019.

ASNT members attend for FREE! ✅

About American Society for Nondestructive Testing

The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. (ASNT) is the world's largest technical society for nondestructive testing (NDT) professionals. Through our organization and membership, we provide a forum for exchange of NDT technical information; NDT educational materials and programs; and standards and services for the qualification and certification of NDT personnel. ASNT promotes the discipline of NDT as a profession and facilitates NDT research and technology applications. 

ASNT Mission Statement

ASNT exists to create a safer world by advancing scientific, engineering, and technical knowledge in the field of nondestructive testing.™


ASNT Strategic Objectives

  1. Increase participation in society’s activities.
  2. Promote an inclusive vision across ASNT’s membership and the NDT community.
  3. Be a premier provider of NDT/NDI/NDE/NDC information including publications, references, archives, training and conferences.
  4. Support national and international acceptance and use of ASNT’s services.
  5. Promote advancement of research and implementation of NDE technology.
  6. Grow ASNT through partnership with industry, government, professional organizations and educational institutions.
  7. Advocate and provide NDT personnel certification.
  8. Maintain ASNT’s fiscal stability in order to fulfill the society’s mission.
  9. ASNT will identify paths for lifelong education and career development within the NDT profession including theory, application and skills for the practitioner, engineer and researcher.
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Application Notes
