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ECA Demo

Eddy Current Array demo which will comprise of a MagnaFORM™ demo as well as information about how ECA can speed up traditional eddy current inspections.

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Eddy Current Array demo which will comprise of a MagnaFORM™ demo as well as information about how ECA can speed up traditional eddy current inspections. Learn about the type of probes Olympus offers and how they can help you.

About Olympus IMS

Olympus delivers the world’s leading-edge nondestructive inspection and measurement solutions by developing tools and technologies that enhance safety, security, quality, and productivity. Our most popular offerings include ultrasound, phased array, microscopy, optical metrology, remote visual inspection, eddy current and XRF and XRD analyzers.

We’re looking to share solutions, news, and insights about test, analytical, measurement, and imaging instruments with other industry professionals from the worlds of aerospace, power generation, petrochemical, manufacturing, automotive, consumer products, and many more.

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