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Corrosion-Resistant Alloys (CRAs): Inspection Solutions

This webinar will emphasize the latest advances in phased array ultrasonic testing (PAUT) techniques dedicated to CRA material inspections and highlight their advantages and limitations based on on-site results.

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The use of corrosion-resistant alloys (CRAs) for the control of corrosion in oil and gas components has numerous benefits. Both the integrity and safety of production systems constructed using correctly selected CRAs (based on appropriate laboratory testing or previous field experience in similar environments) are greatly improved.

These alloys, which are used as cladding, dissimilar metal welds, or base material, present many ultrasonic inspection challenges due to beam scattering, splitting, refraction, absorption and, in some cases, the complex geometry of the components.

This webinar will emphasize the latest advances in phased array ultrasonic testing (PAUT) techniques dedicated to CRA material inspections and highlight their advantages and limitations based on on-site results. The use of Dual Matrix Array™ (DMA) and Dual Linear Array™ (DLA) probes and full matrix capture/total focusing method (FMC/TFM) techniques will also be discussed.


Daly Souissi

Daly is an NDT expert specialized in advanced applications and training. He holds a bachelor’s degree in engineering and a Master of Science degree in Applied Science and is certified UT and PAUT Level III. With a broad range of international experience, he has participated in numerous inspection projects in the nuclear, oil and gas, and steel structure industries. Daly joined Olympus in 2019 as Global Markets Manager. He is involved in business development and the global support of NDT products and solutions

About American Society for Nondestructive Testing

The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. (ASNT) is the world's largest technical society for nondestructive testing (NDT) professionals. Through our organization and membership, we provide a forum for exchange of NDT technical information; NDT educational materials and programs; and standards and services for the qualification and certification of NDT personnel. ASNT promotes the discipline of NDT as a profession and facilitates NDT research and technology applications. 

 ASNT Mission Statement

ASNT exists to create a safer world by advancing scientific, engineering, and technical knowledge in the field of nondestructive testing.™

 ASNT Strategic Objectives

  1. Increase participation in society’s activities.
  2. Promote an inclusive vision across ASNT’s membership and the NDT community.
  3. Be a premier provider of NDT/NDI/NDE/NDC information including publications, references, archives, training and conferences.
  4. Support national and international acceptance and use of ASNT’s services.
  5. Promote advancement of research and implementation of NDE technology.
  6. Grow ASNT through partnership with industry, government, professional organizations and educational institutions.
  7. Advocate and provide NDT personnel certification.
  8. Maintain ASNT’s fiscal stability in order to fulfill the society’s mission.
  9. ASNT will identify paths for lifelong education and career development within the NDT profession including theory, application and skills for the practitioner, engineer and researcher.
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