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Automated Inspection for Aerospace via Computed Tomography (CT) and Digital Radiography (DR)

Join us at our online webinar where we do a deep dive into some DR and CT case studies and how it is helping the aerospace industry, and future implications of Industry 4.0 technology on DR and CT

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With the world facing a global pandemic for the first time, nearly 75% of the world’s aviation fleet has been grounded. During this this time, disruptive technologies have boomed due to disruptive innovation in technologies such as robotics, machine learning, cloud computing and more, which are part of the new phase in industrial revolution or industry 4.0. The aerospace industry is using this time as an opportunity to explore these technologies to increase efficiency and quality amid the “new normal” before travel returns due to its globally essential nature. Two of the best tools in the arsenal to increase quality and efficiency are Digital Radiography (DR) and Computed Tomography (CT).

The exponential growth in computing power and robotics/automation have greatly increased the value that DR and CT offer to the aerospace industry. Combining intelligent part-handling and flow with sensors, artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms, and higher resolution panels has enabled DR and CT to become far more powerful than ever before. Join us at our online webinar where we do a deep dive into some DR and CT case studies and how it is helping the aerospace industry, and future implications of Industry 4.0 technology on DR and CT.


  • The ever-expanding aerospace sector and its significance
  • Automated Inspection for aerospace using Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)
  • Addressing the challenges faced by users of automated Computed Tomography (CT)
  • The impacts and benefits of Automated Defect Recognition (ADR) for aerospace via CT
  • How you can take advantage of Automated Inspection

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