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14th European Conference on Nondestructive Testing

The European Conference on Nondestructive Testing (ECNDT) is considered the major international event for EFNDT and its member societies.

The conference includes a technical and scientific programme which presents the latest developments in the field of research and development as well as the application of NDT in all major industrial areas. The exhibition organised in conjunction with the conference emphasises the close link between research and development, and the equipment and instruments used by industry.

The conference and the exhibition are combined to give the best promotion of NDT and at the same time offer unique opportunities to establish contacts and exchange experiences and ideas between participants and visitors. ECNDT is organised by a national NDT society which is a full member of EFNDT.

About Italian Association of Non-Destructive Testing

The Italian Association of Nondestructive Testing, Diagnostic Monitoring and Testing Laboratories, Third Sector Body - AIPnD - is a non-profit scientific, cultural and professional organisation. 

It was founded in 1979, is among the very first in the world in its sector and includes members belonging to around 1000 entities such as Companies, Institutes, Research Centres, Organisations, Schools, Universities, Professional Studies, Companies producing and selling instrumentation and PnD products and PnD Service Companies. 

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