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Computed Radiography Level II

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Expand your expertise in Computed Radiographic Testing with our comprehensive 5-day (40-hour) course. Designed to meet ASTM E2445, CP-105, SNT-TC-1A, and NAS 410 requirements, this course will equip you with Level II competency in the field of Computed Radiography.

What will I learn

Computed Radiography Level II

Expand your expertise in Computed Radiographic Testing with our comprehensive 5-day (40-hour) course. Designed to meet ASTM E2445, CP-105, SNT-TC-1A, and NAS 410 requirements, this course will equip you with Level II competency in the field of Computed Radiography.

Throughout the course, you will gain hands-on experience with multiple software applications that demonstrate Level II responsibilities and traditional competencies. Daily tests and a final examination will ensure your thorough understanding of the course material.

Key Learning Points:

  • Computed Radiographic Evaluation and Interpretation: Discover the techniques for effectively evaluating and interpreting casting discontinuities and weld discontinuities using Computed Radiography.
  • Qualification and Certification Requirements: Gain insights into the qualification and certification requirements outlined in ASME Section V, Article 1, specifically tailored to the needs of technicians in the Oil and Gas industry.
  • CR Technology Overview: Explore the fundamentals of Computed Radiography technology, including its principles, advantages, and limitations.
  • CR Scanner Comparisons and Operation: Compare and understand different CR scanner models, and their operation criteria, and select the appropriate scanner for specific applications.
  • Imaging Plate Comparisons and Selection: Learn about various imaging plates used in Computed Radiography and discover the criteria for selecting the most suitable plate for different inspection scenarios.
  • Technique and Procedure Development Considerations: Delve into the intricacies of technique and procedure development in Computed Radiography, including discussions on code-specific operating parameters, with a focus on ISO 17636-2 compliance.
  • Qualification of CR Systems: Acquire the necessary skills to qualify CR systems using industry standards such as ASME Section V, Article 2, Man App 8, and ISO 17636-2 Class A&B.

Additional General Digital X-ray Imaging Topics for CR Level II:

  • Measuring Image Fidelity: Understand how to accurately measure image fidelity and ensure high-quality radiographic images.
  • Visual Perception and Monitor Selection/Testing: Explore the factors affecting visual perception in radiographic images and gain insights into selecting and testing appropriate monitors for optimal image viewing.
  • Image Processing Advancements: Familiarize yourself with the latest advancements in image processing techniques, and learn how to utilize them effectively while adhering to proper usage guidelines.
  • Enroll today in our Computed Radiography Level II course and take your skills to the next level. Gain a deep understanding of the methodology, enhance your technical proficiency, and elevate your professional capabilities in the field of Computed Radiographic Testing.

About this institute

Institute Name : Hellier

Language : English

Charge : Paid

Location : Houston, Texas

Mode : Online

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We are a leader in Nondestructive Testing (NDT) training services. Our training provides both the knowledge and qualifications that NDT personnel need to succeed. Nondestructive Testing (NDT) is a technology that evaluates parts and materials for conditions and flaws that could affect their integrity. Effective use of NDT depends on the skill and in-depth knowledge of the technicians involved. Certification services are available through our AIOA program.

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