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Weaver NDT LLC

WeaverNDT provides Non-Destructive Testing systems, Contract Level III Services, and Quality Management consulting, to a wide range of industries.


United States

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At Weaver NDT, we help you ensure the reliability and safety of both your products and personnel by supplying high-quality inspections, testing systems, and by using training and certification, process/quality auditing.  Our services and systems can support production manufacturing processes, overall quality control, and of course, regulatory compliance.

Our expertise allows us to select the right systems, techniques, and procedures to meet your specific needs. WeaverNDT can provide risk avoidance for potential escapes or for catastrophic issues with early detection of problems before they cause damage and/or in-service failures.

We provide global services with a wide range of industry sectors including aerospace, oil and gas, power generation, automotive, and rail. We can support you with our comprehensive range of systems and services that include:

A variety of nearly all methods of NDT Systems.

Specialized NDT Interpretation services: 

  • Radiography (RT, CR, DR, and CT)
  • X-ray Diffraction (XRD)
  • Liquid Penetrant (PT)
  • Ultrasonic (UT)
  • Magnetic Particle (MT)
  • Visual (VT)
  • Resonance (RI)
  • Non-destructive consulting (re-certification, process review, training, method selection)

Quality Auditing ... All Processes covered including:

  • Castings
  • Additive Manufacturing
  • Heat Treatment
  • Coatings
  • EDM/Laser Drilling and many others

Our skilled and experienced personnel are mentored by our founder, Gregory J. Weaver, who has over 21 years in NDT and 15 years as a certified ASNT Level III  (#149144). Greg has a heavy casting and manufacturing background that includes single crystal superalloy turbine components. Greg is also a published author and holds several patents that are NDT specific.

WeaverNDT will deliver real added value to your company by protecting your brand, your reputation, and by ensuring the integrity of your products and processes.

Products & Services
Resonance Inspection (RI)

We are Experts in the field and can help you with your inspection needs. If you need some quick feasibility data, some small batch production testing, or even a full system for your facility, we are here to help!

Resonance Testing is Full-body, Fast, Accurate, and Affordable. 

Send us some samples today, see below!

RI Testing Systems and Services

Testing Systems are available for purchase

Pass/Fail testing for defects, missed operations, heat treatment validation, missed operations, and six sigma controls. Check out the pictures and videos below!

Testing Services are here when you need them

Are you having an issue with your parts, need to reduce your risk, want to understand how consistent your product is batch to batch, or do you need some statistical data for your customers or a project? We can perform these types of tests for you. 

HPT Blade being tested on an NDT-AUTO system

Check out this video


The NDT-AUTO System is perfect for applying efficient and reliable quality control testing to high volume production lines of powdered metal parts, castings, additive manufactured, and similar components. 


The Drop Test Fixture, Model NDT-DTF Resonant Inspection System, allows automated sorting and quality testing of small metal injection molded (MIM), powder injection molded (PIM) , and additive manufacturinf (AM) parts.


NDT-ARAM Adaptive Resonant Acoustic Method compensates for process variation such as weight differences from part to part. The inspection system is then able to discern resonant frequency shifts that result from internal or external flaws.

X-Ray Diffraction

X-Ray Diffraction Explained

  • X-ray diffraction is a non-destructive analytical technique which can yield the unique fingerprint of a crystaline structure.
  • A material's crystal structure is built of layered planes, which act as a mirror. X-rays with a wavelength similar to the distances between these planes can be reflected such that the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence. This behavior is called `diffraction´ and it is described by Bragg's Law: 2dsinθ = nλ
  • Diffracted X-rays will be picked up by the detector scanning at a specific angle. The positions of these reflections will provide the inter-layer spacing's of atoms in the crystal structure.
  • Peak intensities provide information about how much X-ray scattering is contributing to that reflection. This information allows for determination of where particular atoms lie in the structure, or how much of a phase is present in a sample.
  • Analysis of the diffraction pattern allows the identification of phases within a given sample. With that achieved, it is possible to quantify each phase present, the crystal structures and their lattice parameters, crystallite size and strain... all information that can be vital in material characterization and quality control.

XRD for Residual Stress

Micro u-X360s

Portable Low X-ray power (30kV, 1.5mA) Cycle time is 90 seconds Full 2D sensor  

Measurement Items:

  • Residual Stress 
  • Retained Austenite 
  • FWHM 
  • Fillet Measurement


Debye ring data reveals grain orientation, texture, grain size, and other metallurgical items. 

Quality Control

 X-ray diffraction (XRD) has made residual stress characterization easy, fast, and dependable.

 Residual Stress

Power Generation

Manufacturing process can induce residual stresses that can lead to fatigue cracking and stress corrosion cracking. These conditions can premature failures in components.


Measurement of residual stresses in automotive components is an essential tool for process consistency and failure analysis. 


Residual stress measurements are critical in determining life of aerospace structures and components. 

Additive Manufacturing

Powder Bed Fusion 3D Printers can produce repeatable and almost identical parts, but the process be building parts with inconsistent residual stresses. 

Pipelines and Welds

The dramatic effect that residual stresses have on pipelines can help propagate:

  • Hydrogen Induced Cracking
  • Fatigue Cracking
  • and Stress Corrosion Cracking

Shot Peening

Monitors proper and beneficial shotpeening for 100% inspection while identifying under peening and overpeening. Improper peening can decrease the service life of a component. 

Rope Access

We can handle your Rope Access needs!

 Bridge, Dam and Overhead Highway Sign Inspection and Maintenance, Stadiums, Arenas, Theatres, Wind Energy 

Click here for the Rope Technologies website

Our work is always held to the HIGHEST standards!

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