Ven Tech Subsea Inspections
Ven-Tech Subsea is a Canadian based commercial diving and ROV company, specializing in underwater inspections, underwater construction and Remote Operated Vehicle operations.
Ven-Tech Subsea is a Canadian based commercial diving and ROV company, specializing in underwater inspections, underwater construction and Remote Operated Vehicle operations. Our team of professional Divers and ROV Pilots/Technicians provide marine construction, underwater civil engineering, salvage/recovery, underwater inspections and demolition services nationwide and are available for any marine or underwater project at a moments notice.
Ven-Tech Subsea is committed to delivering a high quality service in an efficient and safe manner, within agreed budget and schedule constraints. Personnel at Ven-Tech Subsea recognize the importance of quality and safety management applications and strive to complete project scopes with due regard to the applicable statutory regulations, project specifications, procedures, and documentation requirements.
Our extensive experience, state of the art equipment, technology and unprecedented safety record is what sets us apart from any of the other diving contractor in Canada!
Products & Services
In response to growing industry demand for subsea NDT services, Ven-Tech Subsea has developed a full-time team of specialist inspection divers who are formally qualified in advanced NDT techniques (3.1U and 3.2U).These divers are trained through internationally recognised organisations such as TWI International and are qualified to perform tasks such as:
- Ultrasonic digital thickness measurements (metals)
- Cathodic potential (bathycorrometer) measurement
- Magnetic particle inspection
- Eddy current testing
- Close visual inspection (including concrete)
Our team is made of a group of highly trained, experienced certified divers and ROV Technicians and are all WorkSafe BC/WCB/CSA certified. We are experienced in the many challenges involved with inspection, maintenance/ repair and construction diving, including; confined spaces, pipe penetrations, dams, rivers, low or no visibility, deep waters, biological hazards, contaminated environments and liquids other than water.
Combining our extensive experience we aim to find innovative solutions to underwater problems and the provision of direct supervision and liaison at all stages of preparation and execution of a project, we believe we can offer assistance to any marine project, large or small.
We have extensive equipment for any underwater operation and have the qualified personnel to complete the work safely and efficiently.
Ven-Tech Subsea specializes in developing multi-year subsurface maintenance programs or IMR (Inspection, Repair, Maintenance) Programs for you subsea assets.
Industrial Diving Services
Ven-Tech Subsea divers are qualified to undergo projects in oceans, lakes, rivers, as well as settling ponds and tanks. We have extensively serviced customers within many industries throughout Canada: Industrial Diving Services
Drilling operations
Port facilities
Oil sands producers
Hydro and co-generation power plants
Chemical plants
Municipal water and wastewater facilities
Ven-Tech Subsea serves the Government/ Public Work Sectors, Oil & Gas Sectors, Mining Sectors, Industrial Sectors, Building and Construction Sectors, Environmental Sectors, Personal Assets and etc. Industrial Diving Services