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T.D. Williamson

For more than 100 years, we've joined with industry partners to deliver innovative solutions across the pipeline system lifecycle.


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For more than 100 years, we've joined with industry partners to deliver innovative solutions across the pipeline system lifecycle. Through our products and our services, we maximize uptime, improve throughput, avoid shutdown, and minimize risk, helping ensure energy is delivered safely. 

We know that’s a serious responsibility. We also realize that providing oil and gas today can’t impose negative consequences on tomorrow. The decisions we make and actions we take now will have lasting implications on people and the planet — and we intend for those changes to be for the better.

Throughout our history, we have never shied away from new challenges. Today is no exception. We’re helping ensure the world’s pipeline infrastructure continues to operate safely, whether it’s carrying oil, gas, or new energy sources such as hydrogen.

We cannot achieve any of this without our people. Thousands of dedicated, hard‐working people have played a role in shaping TDW into a global company. We put our people first. Our employees support, encourage and support one another with principles that not only bind us together today but carry us successfully through challenges that tomorrow may bring.

Products & Services
Ultrasonic Testing

Ultrasonic testing uses high-frequency sound energy to accurately detect, locate and size a variety of defects and assist in material characterization. Technologies include manual, semi-automatic and automated ultrasonic (UT-0°) scanning, conventional shear wave ultrasound and manual UT-0° testing straight-beam.

Permanent documentation of the readings and screenshots of the affected areas help ensure pipeline integrity, prioritize remediation efforts, demonstrate code compliance and prepare for detailed audits. 

Key Features

  • To ensure efficient and accurate results, technicians single out the proper transducer for each project based on wall thickness and the expected anomaly type. All TDW technicians have transducers sized for small manual scanning projects, along with pencil probes that provide a “point” inspection of an area
  • Automated UT-0° scanning is repeatable. Operators can compare the position and size data of each defect or corrosion cell to track growth and/or corrosion rates
  • All reports easily import into strength calculation and other integrity software

Detection Capabilities

  • Large areas of internal anomalies, including metal loss and laminations
  • Planar (crack and crack-like) anomalies perpendicular to the pipe wall
  • Wall thickness variations such as pits
Integrity Engineering Solutions

A complement to our in-line inspection (ILI) services, TDW integrity engineering enables operators to move quickly from learning about a pipeline anomaly to doing something about it, with all services and technology covered by a single contract.

Our data-driven process focuses on both immediate and future integrity. Our goal is ensuring that your pipeline will meet its current and desired function reliably and with as little risk as possible. 

Integrity engineering begins with the most advanced assessment techniques. They provide a higher level of confidence than ever to verify anomalies that include: 

  • Corrosion growth
  • Curvature, bending strain and line movement
  • Damage prioritization
  • Crack and crack-like anomaly assessment
  • Finite element analysis
  • Complex assessments of pipeline features

Because our integrity engineers understand the significance of the detailed signal responses our technology generates, they can develop actionable insights. Integrating data from multiple sources provides a more comprehensive view of the pipeline, resulting in better integrity decisions, and, typically, a significant reduction in digs. 

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