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SonoInspec is a company specialised in inspections at high temperature with the ultrasound technology, Time of Flight diffraction (TOFD) and Phased Array (PA).


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SonoInspec is specialised in weld inspections and corrosion mapping at high temperature when your plant is in production. Applying these non-intrusive inspection technology when your plant is online, can increase your plant availability significantly. It also gives you the tools to reconsider your strategic maintenance and inspection plan, by having your inspections done outside the turnaround.

Products & Services
High temperature Phased Array

The SonoInspec high temperature PAUT probes and wedges can work full continuously at 350°C (662F).

The SonoInspec high temperature Phased Array technology can be used to inspect your components while your plant is in production and at high temperature.

SonoInspec has standardised and validated the PAUT inspections at a temperature of 350°C (662F) as per the ISO pre-service standard for pressure equipment (EN-ISO 10863).

Inspections at higher temperature are also possible, but setups needs to be tested on representative samples.

If you want more information, please visit our website at:

High temperature TOFD

SonoInspec is specialised in TOFD inspections at high temperature.

The SonoInspec team has a long-standing experience with the use of the TOFD (Time-of-flight diffraction) technology on very high temperatures. The team has executed ultrasonic weld inspections on client assets up to a temperature of 475°C (887°F).

Inspections with TOFD at high temperature can also be applied on heavy wall vessels up to 270mm.

The high temperature TOFD services can be used for weld inspections, but also for wall thickness measurements with TOFD line scans, when the regular high temperature ultrasonic corrosion mapping tools are not sufficient anymore.

Up to 350°C (662°F) SonoInspec has standardised and validated the TOFD inspections as per the ISO pre-service standard for pressure equipment (EN-ISO 10863) in the thickness range of 6mm up to 100mm.

If you want to know more, please visit

HTHA Inspection services

SonoInspec has wide experience in HTHA inspections as per API941. The practical inspection approach is based on susceptibility levels.

The following HTHA related services are available:

-NDT inspections as per API941

-Fitness for Service assessments


If you want to know more, please visit our website at:

OnestopNDT OnestopNDT OnestopNDT

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