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Pro Integrity NDT

Pro Integrity provides Non-Destructive Testing to Canadian companies that need to ensure the quality and performance of their industrial assets.



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Many client operations have a real challenge getting asset integrity, corrosion survey and in-service welding inspection information both quickly and accurately.

Pro Integrity NDT has solutions for these challenges, and we are here to help. 

Our Asset Integrity Inspection Team provides customized reporting solutions that are audit ready and issued to you in a timely manner. We have successfully completed numerous North American asset integrity and facility projects, and we are here to support your systems, your operation, and your team. We complement our services with the knowledge and reliability that today’s client industry demands. 

The mandate of Pro Integrity NDT is to bring together extensive asset integrity experience, with the best equipment, data integration services and field construction experience. This consolidation ensures Pro Integrity NDT has the key people, technology and processes to deliver a comprehensive turnkey integrity offering.

Products & Services
Pipeline Integrity Services



The Client’s Asset information inclusive of the Historical and current data is collected and analyzed to prioritize pipeline segments. Pipeline segments are analyzed with respect to Anomalies, SCC, and Mechanical Damage susceptibility. The data is utilized in selecting specific sites along the pipeline R.O.W for Direct Examinations.

Indirect Inspection

Additional data is collected as deemed necessary by the owner / operator to prioritize the selection of segments and dig site selection. Typical indirect inspection methods utilized are close interval surveys (CIS), direct current voltage gradient (DCVG), alternating current voltage gradient (ACVG), and Pipeline Current Mapper (PCM). ILI Tool data once analyzed is also considered and may be all that is required before a dig program is commenced. Additional information about terrain conditions such as soils, topography, drainage etc. is also collected. The Integrity Management Plan (IMP) is then initiated.

Direct Inspection

Procedures to field-verify selected sites detailed in the initial analysis are performed and dig programs are initiated. Above ground measurements and field inspections are documented. The Pro Integrity NDT® team is well trained to perform the initial site data collection directly. Consistent and integrity based data collection such as: soils, drainage, topography, coating condition, anomaly identification and assessment, are all utilized to assess your pipeline conditions. ILI Tool information and the NDT technician’s direct observations can confirm and quantify the presence and or severity of coating anomalies, corrosion, geometric defects and SCC/Linear indications.

Post Assessment and Mitigation

The hard data collected from the above steps are taken into account by project engineers to help determine whether a repair or mitigation is required.

Level III Services


Keeping up with regulatory requirements can become overwhelming at times. That’s why Pro Integrity NDT® also provides Corporate Level III services. We can assist in auditing, documentation, training, consultation, and drafting of procedures.

We can document customer-specific inspection procedures, develop in-house training documents or create qualification and certification of personnel programs. We can also develop customer-specific training and examinations for MPI and LPI level II certification.

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