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Ned NDT Services B.V.

Based in the Netherlands providing worldwide NDT and UTM for the maritime sector, inside holland offshore, railway, and structural NDT. Specialized in conventional NDT methods, VT/MT/PT/UT, fully certified according to ISO 9712 level 2 and 3 inspectors.

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Ned Marine Services BV, International leader in all kind of ship and off shore related inspections such as:

Ultrasonic Thickness Measurements (UTM), Hatch Tightness Testing, New Building Inspections, Superintendency, Coating Inspections, Pré Conditional Survey (pré vetting inspection), Hull Condition Monitoring, Marine Consultancy, NDT Inspections, Cathodic Protection, Gangways, Bulwark ladders, ICCP Systems, MGPS Systems

Ned Marine Services BV is approved by all major classification societies, that shows that quality and low prices do exist!

Ned Marine Services BV with their main office in Ridderkerk, The Netherlands, likes to serve you as a client with premium quality inspections and products. With our inspections, products and over 20 years of experience, we offer you the best reliable information against the lowest prices.

Ned Marine Services BV has over 10 years of experience in providing comprehensive Cathodic Protection (CP) and Marine Growth Prevention Systems (MGPS) to the Marine, Offshore Oil & Gas, Offshore Wind Farms and Marine Civil Industries.

Products & Services
Ned Marine Services/NDT

Ned NDT Services B.V. is one of the multiple branches of the company, founded in 2010. 

Over the years, through non-destructive testing, inspections, surveys, equipment, consumables, along with general industrial supplies, we have established an excellent reputation in supplying and maintaining the following industries:

  • railways inspections;
  • oil and gas sector;
  • industrial construction;
  • aerospace;
  • pipeline;
  • fabrication;
  • shipbuilding;
  • ship repair.

As a leading supplier in the non-destructive testing industry (NDT), we provide various of non-destructive testing methods, such as:

  • Visual Testing (VT);
  • Magnetic Testing (MT);
  • Penetrant Testing (PT);
  • Ultrasonic Testing (UT);
  • Vacuum box Inspection;
  • Hardness Testing;
  • Hatch Tightness Testing (HTT);
  • Ultrasonic thickness measurements (UTM), approved by all major Classification Societies;
  • NDT Training Center.

 Ned NDT Services B.V. - your choice to ensure that your equipment work safely and efficiently.

Ned Industrial Products and Services

Ever since its inception in 2010 Ned Marine services B.V. (NMS) has built a reputation for high quality products and services. And NMS has prided itself on this reputation, prioritizing customer satisfaction in every business decision it has made since.

 This led to the decision in 2015 to split the company in multiple branches focusing exclusively on their respective core products. This allows for better service/quality through specialization. Thus Ned Industrial Products and Services B.V. was born. Continuing with the same dedication to quality and service as before, without the distractions of other core products. It has allowed growth in all aspects.

 Ned Industrial Products and Services B.V., your source for all maritime and industrial products.

  • Access structures
  • Maritime and Industrial equipment
  • Protection and Safety
  • Tapes
Ned Marine Cathodic Protection

Ever since its inception in 2010 Ned Marine services B.V. (NMS) has built a reputation for high quality products and services. And NMS has prided itself on this reputation, prioritizing customer satisfaction in every business decision it has made since.

This led to the decision in 2015 to split the company in multiple branches focusing exclusively on their respective core products. This allows for better service/quality through specialization. Thus Ned Marine C-pro B.V. was born. Continuing with the same dedication to quality and service as before, without the distractions of other core products. It has allowed growth in all aspects.

 Ned Marine C-pro B.V., your choice for maritime cathodic protection.

  • Anti-fouling anodes
  • Sacrificial Anodes
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