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NDT CENTER was established in 2019 by observing the needs of the welded manufacturing, casting and forging sectors and to provide development, training, and certification according to international standards and inspection services of the personnel who will perform inspection in these sectors.

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NDT CENTER was established in 2019 by observing the needs of the welded manufacturing, casting and forging sectors and to provide development, training, and certification according to international standards and inspection services of the personnel who will perform inspection in these sectors.

We offer Personnel Certification and Industrial inspection services by international standards and legal regulations with our understanding of total quality, our human and environment-oriented working principle, our principle of independence and impartiality, and our expert personnel whose professional development is constantly supported by our institution with up-to-date training.

NDT CENTER provides services in areas such as welder training, non-destructive testing training and certification, training and certification of welders, and welding engineering services to manufacturing organizations. NDT CENTER serves with modern laboratories and devices, non-destructive testing and welder training with specialized personnel.

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NDT Training & Certification


Any individual who has received Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Training and has suitable eyesight can apply to the NDT CENTER to receive a Non-Destructive Testing certificate according to EN ISO 9712 Standard. Our application form is located below.

People who want to obtain a Non-Destructive Testing Certificate must follow the process according to the following "NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING CERTIFICATION AND EXAM PROGRAM RULES".

Level Definitions of NDT Personnel According to EN ISO 9712 Standard

A person with a Level 1 certificate can perform the jobs defined below;

  • Installs the equipment,
  • Performs the examinations,
  • Records and classifies the results according to written criteria,
  • Reports the results.
  • The Level 1 certified person is not responsible for the selection of the examination method and technique to be used or for the interpretation and evaluation of the examination results.

A person with a Level 2 certificate can perform the jobs described below;

  • Selects the TM technique for the inspection method to be used,
  • Defines the limitations in the application of the inspection method,
  • Turns TM standards and specifications into TM instructions,
  • Installs the equipment and verifies its settings,
  • Performs and supervises the inspection,
  • Prepares the results according to the applicable standards, codes or specifications. interprets and evaluates,
  • Prepares written TM instructions,
  • Performs and supervises all work specified for Level 1,
  • Guides personnel at Level 2 or below,
  • Organizes and reports non-destructive testing results.

A person with a Level 3 certificate can perform the jobs described below;

  • Has overall responsibility for an inspection facility or testing centre and its personnel,
  • Prepares and validates TM instructions and procedures,
  • Interprets standards, specifications and codes,
  • Determines the specific inspection method, procedure and TM instructions to be used,
  • For level 1 and level 2 Performs and supervises all assigned work.
  • Level 3 personnel must have proven that they have the following;
  • Must interpret and evaluate the results according to existing standards, codes and specifications,
  • Must have sufficient experience in materials, manufacturing and product technology to assist in the selection of the TM method, the establishment of the TM technique and the establishment of acceptance criteria in cases where other criteria are not available. General information about other TM methods. • Must know,
  • Must have the ability to guide personnel below Level 3.
Non-Destructive Testing Services

Magnetic Particle Inspection

The Magnetic Particle method has been used industrially for the inspection of surface and subsurface defects for nearly 100 years.

Magnetic particle inspection is an inspection method used to detect surface and subsurface discontinuities in ferromagnetic materials such as iron, nickel, cobalt and their alloys.

As a result of direct current applied to the material with a magnetic particle device, a magnetic field is formed on the material surface. If there is a discontinuity in the material, N and S poles form at the ends of this discontinuity. These poles cause the formation of magnetic flux lines on the discontinuity, which will enable the discontinuity to be detected. When a special solution, which is a mixture of iron powder and fluorescent substance, is applied to the material, these iron powders accumulate in the field lines on the discontinuities and are seen as lines, allowing the discontinuities to be detected.

Liquid Penetrant Inspection

One of the most critical steps of liquid penetrant inspection is surface preparation. Surface of materials; It must be free of oil, grease, water or other contaminants that may prevent the penetration of liquid penetrant. The material surface may require etching or cleaning in alkaline solvents if mechanical operations such as machining, sanding or sandblasting are carried out. These and other mechanical processes can sometimes cause cracks or defects to close on the surface and prevent penetrant fluid from entering.

Visual Inspection 

The inspection method is performed with the naked eye or using auxiliary equipment, which allows for finding discontinuities on the surface and obtaining preliminary information about the material to be examined. It is especially stated in the standards that this should be done before the application of other non-destructive testing methods. It should be done under sufficient light and from the right perspective.

The technique of examining the material surface with the naked eye or using auxiliary visual equipment and equipment is called Visual Inspection. Visual inspection technique has a very important place in determining the reliability of products during the manufacturing phase or service, especially in welded manufacturing. In the visual inspection technique, which can be applied by illuminating the surface of the part and checking it visually or with the help of a magnifying glass, surface scanning can be done using various visual equipment such as an endoscope, baroscope and mirror in areas that cannot be directly reached by eye. Performing visual inspection on the part surface before applying all other non-destructive testing methods is very important in increasing inspection reliability.

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