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We are Kiwa. With our assurance, testing, inspection, certification, training, consultancy and data services,



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We are Kiwa. With our assurance, testing, inspection, certification, training, consultancy and data services, we create trust in our customers' products, services, processes, (management) systems and employees. We do so in a wide variety of markets segments, ranging from construction and energy supply to drinking water, healthcare, food, feed & farming. Areas of expertise include management systems, corporate social responsibility and lab testing, among many others.

We have clients in manufacturing and process industries, (business) services, public and private utilities, governments and international institutions.

Kiwa employs over 10,000 people in over 40 countries, in Europe, Asia, the Americas and Oceania. Since 2021 we are a member of SHV Family of Companies.


Kiwa history

The roots of entities around the globe that form the present-day Kiwa lie in the safeguarding of people's health and safety by providing a high quality verification service. In many cases, this role originated from a governmental mandate in sectors including gas, energy, drinking water and construction or production safety.

The Kiwa that gives the present-day company its name was founded in 1948 by the Dutch drinking water companies, They wanted to safeguard drinking water supply in the country by having every item that might come into contact with drinking water, examined. In those days, KIWA (in capitals) was an acronym for Keuringsinstituut voor WaterleidingArtikelen (Institution for the Examination of Waterworks Articles). Nowadays, we've dropped the acronym as today's Kiwa comprises much more than just drinking water expertise. We're globally active in a wealth of markets, offering a broad range of products and services.

Products & Services
Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)

Non-destructive testing is used as part of a manufacturing or installation inspection to check if quality demands are being met. As an example, welded steel joints are x-rayed to check the quality of the welding. The radiographic test reveals if the joint is fully welded or contains unacceptable faults.

Non-destructive testing is also used as part of in-service inspections or preventive maintenance to quantify the status of critical components and equipment. As an example, the steel plate floor of a storage tank can be inspected with a special floor scanner. The floor may be subject to corrosion and the scanner measures the remaining plate thickness. If too thin, the plate needs to be replaced to avoid the tank starting to leak.

Kiwa Inspecta is a leading provider of non-destructive testing services. Our personnel are highly skilled. We invest continuously in training and technology. Continuous and ongoing development and application of testing systems are done in close collaboration with our clients.

Typical objects

  • Pressurized equipment
  • Mechanical equipment
  • Safety or up-time critical components

Basic and advanced non-destructive testing services

We can offer your company both basic and more advanced non-destructive testing services:

  •  Visual Testing (VT)
  •  Magnetic Particle Testing (MT)
  • Penetrating Testing (PT)
  • Radiography Testing (RT)
  • Ultrasonic Testing (UT)
  • Eddy Current Testing (ET)
  • Leak Testing (LT)
  • Material Identification (PMI)
  • Advanced VT; Video Endoscopy
  • Advanced RT; Digital Radiography
  • Advanced UT; Phased array, TOFD, EMAT, IRIS, Long and Short Range UT
  • Advanced ET; MFL, SLOFEC, eddyMax, array ET

Accreditations according to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 

Kiwa Inspecta is an accredited laboratory for non-destructive testing under EN17025. 

Non-destructive testing

  • Visual testing
  • Radiographic testing
  • Ultrasonic testing
  • Penetrant testing
  • Magnetic particle testing
  • Eddy current testing
  • Physical testing of soil
  • Physical testing of buildings and building construction

Destructive testing

  • Bend test
  • Break test
  • Tensile test
  • Hardness test
  • Impact test
  • Macro examination
  • Micro examination

Specific information concerning the scope of the accreditations is available on request.

Benefits of using non-destructive testing

  •  High quality
  •  Verifies requirements
  •  Prevents failure or breakdown of critical equipment
NDT inspection of aircraft & aircraft components

Make sure that quality demands are being met with expert NDT inspection for the aerospace industry. Our staff are certified NDT technicians for aircraft and aircraft components. Most of them are trained aircraft engineers.

Force Kiwa Aerospace Testing

We have more than 30 years of experience from NDT inspection within the aerospace industry.

Our staff are certified NDT technicians for aircraft and aircraft components. Most of them are trained aircraft engineers.


  • We are located in Sweden (Arlanda - ARN), Denmark (Copenhagen - CPH) and Norway (Oslo - OSL)
  • We serve Northern Europe and with daily flight connections to the rest of the world
  • We are able to respond globally in case of AOG (Aircraft on ground) or scheduled maintenance

Certificates and approvals

  • EASA Part-145 approved no. SE,145.0007
  • Air Agency Certificate (FAA)
  • Cessna NDT Facility certificate no. C-145
  • Bell Helicopter
  • Boeing 787 Dreamliner

We offer a broad variety of NDT services:

  • Thermography testing (TT)
  • Ultrasonic testing (UT)
  • Eddy Current testing (ET)
  • X-Ray - Radiography testing (RT)
  • Magnetic particle testing (MT)
  • Penetrant testing (PT)
  • Leak testing (LT)
  • Replica Testing

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