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Infraspection Institute

Infraspection Institute is the oldest independent infrared training and infrared certification firm in the world


United States

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Infraspection Institute is the oldest independent infrared training and infrared certification firm in the world. Founded in 1980, Infraspection Institute has trained and certified over 10,000 thermographers worldwide. With over 40 years in business, Infraspection Institute literally pioneered the infrared training industry. During our long history, we have shaped the infrared industry through training, technical consulting, technical publications, research, standards development, and software publishing.

Our mission is to support practicing thermographers with educational, certification, and support services. We provide timely, accurate, and unbiased information about infrared hardware, applications, and program development. We are deeply committed to the global advancement of thermography as a science and a profession.

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Certification by Infraspection Institute

With vastly greater numbers of graduates than any other training organization, the Institute’s Certified Infrared Thermographer® training and testing program has set the standard of excellence for infrared predictive maintenance since 1980. Infraspection Institute Certified Infrared Thermographers® are specified by the government and industry to perform thermographic inspections.

NDT Qualification

Our infrared training courses, Reference Manuals, and examinations can qualify you for Level I, Level II, and Level III employer-based certification in accordance with the ASNT document, SNT-TC-1A, and help you prepare to take the optional ASNT Level III National Exam in Thermal/Infrared Testing Methods. Our staff can provide other outside agency services you might need.

Professional Curriculum Used by Infraspection Institute

Infraspection Institute instructors use extraordinary techniques to deliver stimulating, effective, and relevant instruction. All of our instructors are highly experienced, practicing thermographers. Each brings years of unmatched, real-world experience to the classroom. Our courses are taught using a combination of dynamic multi-media presentations, hands-on demonstrations, and one-on-one interaction with students. Our courses integrate theory, practice, and case studies in a fun, relaxed atmosphere designed to maximize your learning experience.

All courses and Reference Manuals are constantly updated with the latest applications, practices and Standards based on research by our staff, graduates, and others.

Continuing Support

We maintain a constant link with our graduates through follow-up phone calls, faxes, and letters because our mission is to help you create a successful infrared thermography program. We are the only organization to provide the annual IR/INFO Symposium that keeps you on the cutting-edge of technology, up-to-date and competitive.

No-Risk Guarantee

We guarantee that you will receive the highest quality training and the best value for your training dollar. If you participate in an entire course and feel otherwise, we will refund your tuition.

Professional Memberships

As part of our commitment to the advancement of infrared thermography and related technologies, Infraspection Institute and/or its principals are active members of the following professional organizations.

Products & Services
Infrared Expert Witness Services

As thermography has matured, its use as legal evidence has increased. Due to its graphic nature, thermal imaging is now regularly utilized in criminal and civil cases by both plaintiffs and defendants. Whether you are defending a claim or seeking to use thermography as evidence, you need a qualified infrared expert witness on your team to provide expert witness services.

As pioneers with over 40 years' experience in the infrared field, Infraspection Institute has the qualified infrared expert witness that you need.

Our personnel are highly experienced, Level III practicing thermographers with expertise across a broad range of infrared applications. In fact, they have co-authored many of the application and equipment standards that enjoy worldwide use today.

Our staff members have worked on numerous investigations and have testified or participated in legal cases at the state, federal and international levels as infrared expert witnesses. We work for both plaintiffs and defendants and can provide the following expert witness services:

  • Infrared inspections for condition assessment and scientific analysis of physical evidence
  • Expert reports written to meet evidentiary requirements
  • Review, analysis and insightful critique of reports and work product by others
  • Delivery of persuasive opinion testimony at deposition, arbitration and trial
  • Preparation of counsel for opposing expert cross-examination
  • Consulting expert services, including education of counsel, and assistance with case plan and interim strategy review

Whether you are an attorney or a party to a case involving thermography, we invite you to give us a call about our infrared expert witness services. We will review your case with you and answer any questions that you may have. We guarantee that you will not find more qualified infrared experts anywhere else.

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