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Coating Inspector Training & Certification providers


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HTS stands for ‘HARVISH TECHNICAL SERVICES’ & also known as “HTS COATINGS”. That is owned by a seasoned, mature, and certified Coating specialist. He has dedicated 32 years to industrial corrosion control applications and forms part of the Institute’s training and certification portfolio.

The HTS COATINGS scheme is a new comprehensive structured training scheme for the training, certification, and registration of industrial surface preparation and coating operatives. our company has been accredited with ISO 9001:2015 with TUV India and conducting various Coating / Painting Inspector, and Specialist International certification courses from FROSIO (Norway) & Institute of Corrosion (ICorr - UK).

The HTS COATINGS scheme has a Basic module of “Abrasive Blasting and Airless Training” that comprises 6 components. Health & Safety, Site Access, Plant & Equipment, Surface Preparation, Paint Types & Application, and Quality Control.
Products & Services
FROSIO Surface Treatment & Coating Inspector Course

FROSIO is a member organization established in 1986 by the industry to meet a growing demand for qualified and certified Coating and Painting personnel on all levels within management, production, and inspection of work within corrosion protection and surface treatment. Many Surfaces Treatment, coating, and painting inspectors, Anti-corrosion specialists, and existing coating specialists (NACE, SSPC, ICorr, Bgas-TWI) we possess FROSIO certificates as a reputed and demanding transcript.

FROSIO acts through the formulation of quality requirements for surface treatment and insulation inspectors. FROSIO approval and certification scheme have achieved high international recognition and a FROSIO-certified inspector is a specific requirement within different standards and specifications.

Coating Inspector Course & Certification is a natural career progression for anyone with a successfully completed apprenticeship or for anyone with long experience in anti-corrosion work.


FROSIO Requirements for certification

l  Attend an 80-hour Coating Inspector course provided by a FROSIO-approved training body

l  Pass both theoretical and practical exams

l  Document relevant experience and inspection experience


Type of certificate based on experience

The certificates have 3 levels depending on documented experience.

l  FROSIO Level I - No Prior Experience Needed

l  FROSIO Level II - more than 2 years of Coating experience Mandatory

l  FROSIO Level III - More than 5 years of Coating Experience needed, of which 2 years shall be as a Coating Inspector.


Requirements for Approval and Certification

l  Attend a training course in the inspection of either surface treatment

l  The Coating Inspector course to have a duration of 80 hours provided by a FROSIO-approved training body HTS COATINGS

l  Pass both theoretical and practical exams

l  Document relevant experience and inspection experience

l  Various Levels decided by FROSIO Board as per experience

Digital Certificates

FROSIO certificates and renewal will be sent digitally. Inspectors will receive their certificate in their own e-mail. There will be a link that opens
The certificate can be shared (e.g. on LinkedIn) or sent to whomever they wish in addition to being printed.

Digital certificates-verification

On this site, anyone can verify the certificate by pressing the button VERIFY. This is important since this verification will prove that the certificate is valid and that FROSIO issues it.



ICorr Training & Certification Programs

HTS COATINGS, India, in association with IMechE Argyll Ruane, UK is delivering ICorr (Institute of Corrosion, UK) courses. Currently, HTS Coatings offers ICorr Paint Inspector Level 1, 2 & 3 / ICorr Insulation Level 2 / ICorr Fireproofing (PFP) Level 2 Training & Certification programs in India, the Middle East, and other Asian countries. This ICorr course aims to thoroughly train individuals in the Inspection of Corrosion Mechanisms, Electrochemistry, Material Conditions, Pre-Treatment, Surface Preparation, Ambient Conditions, Paint Mixing, Paint Applications, Test Methods, and Safety requirements. 


The Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) acquired the world-renowned NDT, Corrosion and Coatings Training and Consultancy organization now known as IMechE Argyll Ruane in 2012. We continue to deliver and improve on the high quality of training and the reputation for customer service excellence established by Argyll Ruane.

Protective Coating Inspector Transition – BGAS-CSWIP, NACE, FROSIO: Transition Into The Institute of Corrosion Scheme

With the increased demand from internationally qualified coating inspectors to obtain the well-respected ICorr inspection certificate, ICorr gives an opportunity to a certification holder of TWI/BGAS, NACE/CIP, or SSPC/PCI to achieve an ICorr paint certificate through transition or bridging by writing the ICorr Paint Inspector Transition Exam. 

The certification of either ICorr Level 1 or 2 Paint inspector is awarded by the Institute of Corrosion upon successful completion of the examination. 

Require More Details? 

For more details about the transition and an exam schedule, please contact us at


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