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HMT brings a distinct level of innovation and service to the tank industry through a unique approach of partnering with customers to optimize tank operations.

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HMT stands as the undisputed global leader in delivering comprehensive aboveground storage tank solutions. Their unique approach to the industry sets them apart, as they collaborate closely with customers to optimize tank operations, offering a distinct level of innovation and service.

Recognizing that the needs of every customer are unique, HMT leverages its decades of experience to provide tailored solutions that enhance tank operations' efficiency, productivity, and profitability.

Founded in 1978, HMT had a clear mission: to revolutionize the aboveground storage tank market by introducing advanced technology. The company's founders were determined to develop products that not only addressed the emissions challenges of their time but also resolved the operational issues associated with existing floating roof and seal technologies. The outcome has been a range of superior products, cutting-edge technology, and holistic solutions that redefine industry standards.

HMT's comprehensive suite of tank products includes:

  • External Seal Systems
  • Internal Seal Systems
  • Drain and Floating Suction Systems
  • Geodesic Domes
  • Skin and Pontoon Floating Roofs
  • Full Contact Floating Roofs
  • Emissions Reduction Devices

HMT's unwavering commitment to innovation and customer partnership makes it the go-to choice for aboveground storage tank solutions, offering unparalleled products and technology to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of tank operations worldwide.

Products & Services
Guided Wave Inspection

Guided Wave Inspection (GUI/LRUT): An Advanced Low-Frequency Ultrasonic Technique

Guided Wave Inspection, also known as GUI/LRUT, is a cutting-edge low-frequency ultrasonic wave technique designed to swiftly survey pipes. Its primary goal is to identify potential internal and external corrosion, ensuring the integrity of critical infrastructure.

Key Applications:

  • Surveying long runs of piping, including those located in pipe/sleeper racks.
  • Assessing pipes in soil-to-air interfaces.
  • Inspecting underground piping, cased piping, and earth dike crossings.
  • Detecting point contact corrosion.
  • Supporting retro PMI (Positive Material Identification) projects, such as identifying welds beneath the insulation.
  • Examining limited-access piping, especially those in overhead lines.
  • Conducting inspections for CUI (Corrosion Under Insulation) to prevent hidden corrosion issues.

Guided Wave Inspection is your trusted ally for comprehensive and efficient pipe assessment, serving a wide range of applications to safeguard infrastructure and prevent corrosion-related challenges.

Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing

Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT): A Visual Insight into Material Integrity

Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT) is a sophisticated method that harnesses the power of multiple shear (transverse) waves originating from a single transducer housing. These waves create an array of angles, which are then transformed into a color-scale image. This innovative approach provides a visual representation of any indications discovered within a test specimen.

Key Applications:

  • Ideal for ASME B31.1 and B31.3 piping construction projects.
  • Frequently used alongside Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD) in ASME Sec. VIII Div. 2 pressure vessel construction projects.
  • Trusted in API storage tank construction projects.
  • Essential for pre-turnaround and turnaround in-service inspections.
  • Multi-Skip Phased Array Testing: Comprehensive Volumetric Screening

Multi-Skip Phased Array Testing is an invaluable tool for conducting full volumetric screening examinations, particularly for the detection of corrosion and pitting. It boasts the ability to fire multiple angles and skips, enabling a thorough volumetric screening, even under challenging conditions such as corrosion deposits, support structures, or tank annular rings.

Key Applications:

  • Crucial for in-service inspections of the critical zone from the tank's exterior.
  • Offers precision in measuring corrosion beneath the shell-to-floor weld on a tank, starting from the tank chime.
  • Highly effective in detecting and measuring corrosion beneath pipe and tank supports, repads, and blisters.

Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing and Multi-Skip Phased Array Testing are the advanced techniques of choice for professionals seeking a detailed and accurate understanding of material integrity in a variety of applications.

Automated Ultrasonic Testing

Automated Ultrasonic Testing (AUT), often known as corrosion mapping (C-Scan), is a cutting-edge, fully automated ultrasonic inspection technique. It leverages a state-of-the-art multichannel ultrasonic imaging system and robotic scanners with encoded precision to reveal critical insights into material degradation. These insights encompass erosion, corrosion, hydrogen blisters, hydrogen-induced cracking (HIC), and interlinked cracking issues.

Key Applications:

  • Valuable for corrosion mapping and flaw detection on tank shells and roofs, as well as spheres and vessels.
  • Ideal for corrosion mapping and flaw detection on piping, especially for pipes with a diameter of up to 4 inches.
  • Enables external inspections instead of internal ones.
  • Proven effectiveness in challenging, difficult-to-access locations, even with as little as 3 inches of clearance.

Automated Ultrasonic Testing and Corrosion Mapping represent the pinnacle of ultrasonic inspection technology. They provide unmatched precision and efficiency for assessing material integrity and uncovering corrosion-related concerns in a variety of critical applications.

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