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Geo Oceans

Geo Oceans is an industry-leading asset deployed mini-ROV technology and services company. Our team is driven to bring innovative solutions to the subsea and environmental markets, ultimately reducing our risk, cost, and time.



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Geo Oceans is an industry-leading asset deployed mini-ROV technology and services company. Our team is driven to bring innovative solutions to the subsea and environmental markets, ultimately reducing our risk, cost, and time.

Geo Oceans’ vision is to be the trusted world leader in robotics services in dynamic underwater environments using complex technologies. This requires the building of skilled specialist teams and continued investment in technology to improve the reliability, capabilities, and efficiency of the small subsea robotic technology.  

We work closely with our sister company Sonomatic to deploy subsea advanced NDT inspection tools and sensors from our small ROV systems. Sonomatic is the global leader in subsea advanced NDT and draws on thirty years of industry experience. Together, we miniaturise and integrate advanced NDT tools and robotic crawlers, and robotic arms with our small ROV systems for advanced subsea inspections.

Our ‘people first’ philosophy requires our team to actively practice and promote Servant Leadership principles. Servant leaders share power, listen to others, focus on the needs of the employees, and help the team to perform as effectively as possible while building a sense of community and ownership.

Our asset deployed ROV marine Class inspections include scopes on Floating Production, Storage and Offtake (FPSO) external vessel hull and mooring systems Under Water Inspection In Lieu of Drydocking (UWILD) and In-Water Survey (IWS), water ballast tanks (WBT), cargo oil tanks (COT) and other confined spaces that can be filled with liquids.

We draw our organisation charts upside down to reflect our belief that leadership’s role is to serve the business and to devolve power as close as possible to the frontline and our clients. By implementing this model, we multiply the leadership capability of the organisation and increase human potential in order to better serve our clients.

Products & Services

Our Marine Class department was formed through the amalgamation of Geo Oceans’ ROV specialists and Vertech Group’s industry-leading Marine Class team to form a single, cohesive unit that prides itself on its pro-active, solutions-based approach. We specialise in statutory inspections for the classification of ships and offshore floating structures and subsea inspections using the latest ROV technology, proprietary inspection tools, and cutting-edge software solutions.

Our team can provide unmanned ROV, RDVI, drone, or robotic crawler inspection services to complete hull UWILD, In-Water Survey, mooring chains, riser, and tank inspections. The Asset Deployed ROVs can be deployed for underwater Class inspections of oil and gas industry Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU), Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO), and FSO vessels and platform jacket structures.

Our project managers, ROV teams, and asset inspectors work with clients to perform subsea inspection campaigns tailored to suit the specific class requirements and facility needs using our proprietary Class Survey System (CSS).

Pushing the boundaries in innovation is our ‘link-to-shore’ capability which allows clients to see the inspection in real-time. This not only gives the client a completely new understanding of the work we do, but it also keeps them much more involved. Our survey planning process is continually refined to help our clients streamline operations and is a key factor in obtaining the most favorable conditions. If weather or SIMOPS should prove an issue, our team is trained to quickly adapt, being able to perform tank and other onboard inspections to remain useful and utilised during delays.

Asset Deployed ROV systems are designed to eliminate or largely reduce downtime on subsea inspection campaigns to target ‘Zero Downtime’. Each system is designed to optimise the in-water operating limits and the multidisciplined ROV inspection teams can be qualified to perform fallback works such as Rope Access, topside NDT, RDVI, or internal ROV water ballast tank inspections.


Geo Oceans and parent company Vertech Group are ISO 17205 certified as an NDT inspection body. We hold additional accreditations including ABS Hull Gauging, ABS Remote Inspection Techniques (ROV), ABS In-Water Survey, BV Thickness Measurements of Hull Structures, BV Remote Inspection Techniques, BV In-Water Survey, DNV Close-up Survey, DNV NDT on Classification Projects, DNV Thickness Measuring, DNV In-Water Survey (ROV), Lloyd’s Register Remote Inspection Techniques (ROV) and LR Thickness Measurements of Hull Structures.

Our NDT and ROV personnel have completed hundreds of projects successfully across Australia, Asia, West Africa, Brazil, and the USA. They are highly qualified, skilled, and experienced across a wide range of inspection and testing methods, ensuring a best-in-class outcome and high-quality data and reporting outputs.


Non-destructive testing (NDT) involves detecting and assessing flaws in materials without causing damage. Geo Oceans has proven experience in subsea NDT inspection planning, advising clients on NDT methods, and providing recommendations and solutions to ensure compliance to international and Australian standards.

Our Mini-ROV systems integrate state-of-the-art cameras, sensors and manipulator technology onto small, powerful and agile ROVs to expand their capabilities to cover a range of conventional NDT such as ultrasonic thickness measurement (UTM) or eddy current inspection (ECI).

Conventional subsea NDT.


  • Improved Data – Advanced data collection and processing techniques improving repeatability
  • Reduced Cost - Mini-ROV deployment directly from FPSOs, Modua platformns
  • Rapid Mobilisation - Equipment and personnel can be mobilised on helicopters and commercial planes at short notice
  • Minimal POB – Small multi-skilled NDT and ROV teams resulting in minimal POB during inspection campaigns
  • No Confined Space Entries – Eliminate the need for commercial diving, manned entry and confined space entry
  • Minimised HSE Risk – Reduced health & safety risk by eliminating high-risk activities

The true value of Geo Oceans’ ROV Seismic System, when coupled with our Mini-ROV resources, is its unrivalled flexibility to support high-value and time-critical seismic campaigns without the need for a dedicated ROV support vessel. The addition of the Geo Oceans ROV Seismic Systems to Ocean Bottom Node (OBN) or Ocean Bottom Cable (OBC) seismic campaigns has provided significant cost, time and efficiency gains across a multitude of different sized campaigns globally.

The Geo Oceans ROV Seismic System is often deployed in remote locations and includes two or three redundant Mini-ROV systems in addition to full spares and repair kits to keep the OBN and OBC seismic campaigns on schedule. To optimise seismic surveys, the ROV Seismic System requires two ROV technicians per shift and can be operated 24 hours or from several work fronts if more than one vessel is available. The ability to scale resources for comparatively little logistical effort and low cost mitigates some risk to project schedules and resources can be scaled up or down throughout the campaigns.


The Geo Oceans ROV Seismic System can be setup on vessels of opportunity that are already deployed in the field so there is no need for an additional ROV support vessels for the following subsea tasks:

Geo Oceans ROV Seismic System.


  • Retrieval of nodes, pingers and other infrastructure from the seafloor
  • Free entanglements
  • Environmental assessment when nodes are deployed around sensitive seafloor habitats
  • Acquisition of HD Video and positioning data to guide management and HSE decisions
  • Deployment and placement of nodes around infrastructure
  • Other ad hoc tasks that arise during the seismic survey
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