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Euroteck Systems UK Limited

Euroteck Systems was started in 2000, and is a privately owned limited company.


United Kingdom

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Euroteck Systems was started in 2000, and is a privately owned limited company.

Euroteck Systems founders have many years’ experience working in NDT service positions, and so the business was started to further the competition in this market. This is unlike many companies that grow from a sales background and only later add after-sales, service and engineering capabilities. At Euroteck we decided, right from the beginning, that a high quality after-sales capability would be critical to winning new business. Consequently, our prime directive has always been that we will not sell what we cannot support.

By locating our factory in Tamworth, in the Midlands, we are based centrally within the UK, and close to the motorway network and two international airports ensuring that our well-equipped Field Service Engineers are able to reach the majority of our clients within a few hours, responding to emergency breakdowns in the shortest possible time. In addition we hold extensive spares of most critical items, so that we can easily arrange to exchange defective parts to get our customers up and running again quickly.

Euroteck Systems has been certificated to ISO 9001 since 2003. We are one of a very small number of NDT Service companies who hold this prestigious certification. Our scope of certification covers all of our activities in the supply, maintenance and calibration of NDT equipment. The certification also covers component inspection using various in house X-Ray technologies.

We are active participating members of both The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing and The American Society for Non-destructive Testing.

Before we agree to act as an agent or to represent a company in the UK, we carry out market research on its products and its track record in other countries. If we are happy in terms of build quality, performance and reliability, we then proceed to send our engineers for in-depth product training at the manufacturing centre. We then invest in any specialist test equipment should we not already have it within our well-equipped workshops. Only then do we begin to offer that company’s products to our clients.

We are passionate about NDT and what it can do to solve manufacturing and quality issues. Talk to us and let us see if we can improve your products, reduce your Q.C. costs, and solve those manufacturing difficulties.

If you would like to find out more information about Euroteck then please contact us.

Products & Services
Industrial X-Ray Systems

Euroteck Systems can offer a number of industrial X-ray systems to suit the requirements of a huge range of industries requiring X-ray inspection, ranging from high end aerospace manufacture, to the X-ray inspection of priceless artwork.

Euroteck Systems are also on hand to integrate these systems into an existing facility or work with you to design a bespoke X-ray enclosure. More information on our range of X-ray Cabinets can be found on that page.

The links below will provide you with more information on each type of X-ray equipment available.

X-Ray Inspection

Euroteck Systems have extensive in-house X-ray inspection facilities. Perhaps your manufacturing process doesn’t require X-ray inspection all the time? We have a variety of X-ray systems that can cover inspection of a range of products from castings to plastic injection moulded items, from small aerospace PCB’s to high end automotive parts, we are confident we can help. Our available X-ray systems are detailed below:

320kV Real Time X-ray Inspection:

The SRE Max 320kV is capable of inspecting parts up to 700mm diameter x 1200mm tall to a maximum weight of 120kg. For volume inspection we can apply automatic defect recognition (ADR) software so the PC determines whether the part is acceptable or rejected based on the acceptance standard used. We can also compare defects in castings to reference images built into the Bosello BHT IP Extreme software. In the future we will be able to use this equipment to provide CT inspection.

160kV Microfocus X-ray Inspection:

A 160kV X-Ray WorX SE reflection microfocus X-ray system in a long X-ray cabinet coupled with a digital flat panel is available to inspect small parts such as PCB’s etc. The long bed length of the 160kV MFX system allows large geometric magnification to be achieved meaning very small objects can be magnified to many times their original size. The high-power reflection MFX tube gives a JIMA resolution of 2µm.

Conventional 160kV CP X-ray for Computed Radiography and Direct Digital Radiography:

A 160kV CP X-ray cabinet system is available for conventional X-ray inspection using either the Dürr NDT HD CR 35 NDT, Dürr NDT HD CR 43 NDT for computed radiography or the Dürr NDT DRC 2430 NDT for direct digital radiography. This equipment is suitable for plan view radiography with a FFD of around 1.3m.

160kV Real Time X-Ray:

A 160kV small X-ray cabinet system is available for real time inspection of small low- density items such as nylon blocks using an image intensifier to view the images. With this equipment, the captured images can be exported as still or movie files.

With allow of the above systems, a variety of different methods are available to export image files for your quality records. For NDT applications these can be DICONDE, TIFF, JPEG files. We can even supply movie files allowing you to see you part rotate under X-ray in real time!

Please contact us at or on 01827 312455 to discuss your X-ray inspection requirement.

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