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Escon Group

ESCON is an Engineering Company that caters to the requirements of the Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, Fertilizer, Cement, Heavy Engineering and Foundry Industries in South East Asia and India.

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ESCON provides high level Quality Assurance (QA), Quality Control (QC), Non Destructive Testing (NDT) & Allied Engineering Services with specialists in all aspects of NDT and engineering codes & practices to cater to the stringent needs of various clients around the world. ESCON also provides consultancy and training programmes for the certification of NDT personnel , welding inspectors and quality control engineers.

ESCON’S position as a regional leader in NDT and Inspection has been achieved through our commitment to effectively meet customer's need with a wide range of advanced technologies and customized solutions.

At the heart of Escon are its people. Well trained employees with a strong sense of responsibility who thrive on the challenge of working independently and well supported by on-going in-house training programs, never stop learning and improving their skills. The company has approximately 200 employees spread over its various project locations.

To compete and succeed in today's fast paced competitive markets, industry must ensure the integrity of their products and processes. The ESCON group was built on a reputation of assisting companies to create a safer and more productive environment by the correct utilization of Nondestructive Testing (NDT). Constantly driven to be among the best service providers, ESCON's commitment to continuous improvement in both selection and application of technology has helped several clients to be more productive and reduce costs... we'd like to do the same for you.

Products & Services

At ESCON, we have more than three decades of experience in offering Conventional NDT services catering to the stringent requirements of the Oil & Gas, Energy,

Petrochemical and Heavy Engineering Industries all over Asia. We have helped in ensuring project completion in a timely and reliable manner without any back-log of inspection activities for all our clients.


Radiography has a wide scope of use. In general, all types of material can be irradiated by means of radiography. Depending on the type and the thickness of the material, an optimal selection will be made for the inspection equipment to be used. Steel up to 50 mm can be thoroughly irradiated using the standard X-ray equipment. Using suitable radioactive sources like Selenium, Iridium 192 , Cobalt 60 (gamma radiation) even steel thickness of up to 200 mm can be inspected. The internal soundness of weldments, castings, shop fabrications, and plant piping systems can be evaluated by gamma radiography. Slag inclusions, shrinkage, lack of penetration, and porosity are among the defects that can be detected.


Ultrasonic testing is carried out using an ultrasonic flaw detector and an ultrasonic probe. In the inspection, ultrasound is sent into the area of interest. The ultrasound can be reflected from an interface (ex.Discontinuity) and received by the probe. The reflected ultrasound is displayed on a cathode ray tube screen in the flaw detector and the signal can be analyzed. This method of inspection is normally carried out on butt welds and is usually limited to section thickness of 8mm and above. It is technically difficult to perform the inspection on thin materials using conventional ultrasonic equipment. This method is good for detecting internal discontinuities. Surface or near surface discontinuities may not be easily detected.


Magnetic Particle Testing is an inspection method with which defects on or close to the surface (to a depth of approx. 2 mm) in a ferro-magnetic material can be traced. It uses the principle that a crack or other discontinuity on the surface causes a magnetic stray field in a magnetized object. A crack will be made visible by an interruption of this field. The indications that are found are judged by their nature, size and location with the aid of an inspection standard. The shape or dimensions of the object do not or do not generally limit it. As with radiographic and ultrasonic inspection, the method can also be used well in the field or in companies.


Dye Penetrant Testing is a technique by which a specially designed colored dye is used in conjunction with specially formulated developers are used to detect surface breaking indications on any ferromagnetic or non-ferromagnetic material to assist in determining the material integrity. Applications include determining weld surface integrity and detection of defects of all types of surface breaking discontinuities resulting from many different reasons. Dye Penetrant testing can be used on practically all materials. However, a condition is that the materials have a solid shape and are non-porous. As a rule this concerns non-magnetizable materials.


Positive Material Identification Testing helps to identify the composition of various components being used in the fabrication of critical components in a wide range of industries ranging from Electronics to Oil and Gas. Equipment available vary in size and thus portability. At ESCON we have the portable Niton equipment capable of identifying readily over 100 different alloys. All that is necessary for analysis is to expose the sample to the instrument for a few seconds, and then read the final identification from the display or printout. Factory calibration provides a direct readout of alloy name in five seconds or less.

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