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Since 1992 Delta Flux has been a leading company in designing and producing systems and machines in the NDT field specializing in MPI (Magnetics Particles Inspection) and PT (Dye and Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection) devices.

Product, Distributor, NDT Manufacturer


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Since 1992, Delta Flux has specialized in the design and tailor-made construction of complete machinery and systems for carrying out superficial non-destructive testing, using magnetoscopy or penetrating liquids.

Delta Flux offers its customers everything they need to carry out non-destructive surface testing: 

All our machines are designed and built to measure for our customers and adapt perfectly to each company's specific needs, timing, available space, workflows, and volumes. In addition to the initial supply of the machinery, we also take care of the supply of all the accessories, spare parts and consumables necessary for the daily operation of a surface inspection machine.

Products & Services
Magnetoscopy Magnetic Benches

Delta Flux designs and builds Magnetic Benches for Non-Destructive Surface Testing with the magnetoscopic method.

The magnetic benches are the standard operator stations for carrying out magnetoscopic surface checks. These modular structures integrate not only the benchtop magnetoscope, equipped with the devices necessary to carry out the different types of magnetization, of which the main ones are:

  • by contact or passage of current
  • yoke or multiturn coils
  • reel-to-reel
  • lamellar or with lamellar nuclei

but also the manual or automatic spraying system of the piece with the control liquid, all the necessary accident prevention safety measures (with CE marking), and the digital instrumentation for reading the electric currents used for magnetization; in addition to this, to make visual inspection of imperfections possible, the station is surrounded by a darkening cabin (dark room), and can be equipped with white light lamps or Wood UV lamps.

The completeness of the equipment present in the magnetic benches therefore makes them complete centers for the magnetoscopic surface inspection of small and medium-sized pieces, of multiple sectors, ideal for carrying out rapid examinations wherever it is necessary to check for the possible presence of defects superficial occult.

For specific or larger pieces, for more automated systems or integration needs in the production line, it is possible to install actual magnetoscopic systems. For the examination of parts and components that are immovable or too large to fit in a machine, mobile and wheeled magnetic generators can be used directly.

The Delta Flux magnetoscopic control benches are equipped with the DELTA SCREEN touch control panel, which allows total control of the device and the setting and storage of a series of parameters and operations, real "recipes" that can be recalled easily by the operator and at any time for performing frequent and repeated procedures. In addition to this, the DELTA SCREEN panel allows our operators to remotely monitor the equipment, for immediate assistance on any technical problem.

Magnetoscopy systems

Delta Flux designs and builds dedicated Magnetoscopy systems for automated non-destructive surface checks on specific pieces.

The magnetic system was born from the need to carry out Non-Destructive Testing on specific pieces of any geometry, even complex ones, to achieve the highest levels of reliability and accuracy in verifying the presence of any surface defects of the parts under examination. This makes the magnetic particle inspection systems tailor-made based on the detail that the customer needs to examine.

Automated systems represent an evolution in terms of the control/production speed of magnetic benches.

In a non-destructive control system with the magnetoscopic method, all the phases of the process can be automated, with the integration of loading and unloading, magnetization, spraying and subsequent in-line demagnetization systems, allowing the maximum efficiency in carrying out all the necessary operations, and entrusting the operator only with the visual inspection phase of the pieces, facilitated by the darkening cabins (dark rooms) that surround the workstation and by the integration of white light lamps or Wood lamps to ultraviolet. The automation of operations can thus also allow the inclusion of the non-destructive control phase along the production line, with excellent results in optimizing times and performance. Unlike what happens in magnetic benches, in a Magnetoscopy system, the entire creation is tailor-made for a specific customer piece; it is based on that particular piece - or a specific continuous production cycle - that equipment is chosen, translations and movements are created, and including loading and unloading and magnetization and demagnetization systems. For the examination of immovable objects or fixed structures, on the other hand, portable magnetic generators can be used.

The Delta Flux Magnetoscopy control systems are equipped with the DELTA SCREEN touch control panel, which allows total control of the device and the setting and storage of a series of parameters and operations, real "recipes" that can be recalled by the operator with ease and at any time for performing frequent and repeated procedures. In addition to this, the DELTA SCREEN panel allows our operators to remotely monitor the equipment, for immediate assistance on any technical problem.

Magnetoscopy Portable Magnetic Generators

Delta Flux designs and builds portable and wheeled magnetic generators for magnetoscopic surface checks on parts of various sizes.

Magnetoscopic checks are necessary on objects and pieces of the most diverse sizes; this means that, sometimes, the verification must be carried out on large parts, or ones constructed in such a way as to be immovable. This makes it impossible to use normal systems or benches for magnetoscopic inspection , given the impossibility of moving the piece or containing it; in such situations it is necessary to bring the magnetoscopic control where necessary.

For these conditions, portable and wheeled magnetic generators have been developed, devices designed to make magnetic control possible where required, even on the inspection site. These are mobile devices, equipped with wheels or transportable manually, for easy movement, capable of carrying out magnetoscopic checks via cables and copper tips on objects of any size, both by direct passage - with current pulses introduced into the metal piece - either by coil, created by winding the cables on the piece to be checked, or with specific accessories, for example, standard or openable coil, magnetic chucks and others.

Delta Flux wheeled magnetic generators can be equipped with control panels specifically developed to simplify high-precision digital management of the parameters and currents delivered.

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