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Casoni studies, designs and manufactures solutions in the field of non-destructive testing. Over the years, the company has modernized



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A point of reference for the non-destructive testing sector

Casoni studies, designs and manufactures solutions in the field of non-destructive testing. Over the years, the company has modernized in parallel with the industrial evolution and in recent years it has strengthened, updated and expanded up to the current 1,000 square meters of surface area intended for production . The modern structure of the company and the avant-garde technology of its machines, combined with the experience of the technicians within the company have made it possible to obtain ever more performing results, maintaining a qualification at the highest levels of technical development and quality.

Products & Services
Artificial notches by electroerosion (E.D.M.).

Through our EDM system, totally computerized, we produce artificial notches in different dimensions, positions and typologies on ferrous materials, special alloys or parts are supplied directly from our clients. Our notches are made according to UNI, EN, ASME, ASTM, MIL specifications or according to customer requests. All our notches are accompanied by dimensional certificates on which are indicated the clients details and order, type of material, dimensions and tolerance limit of the piece, working date and name of the technician. Plus the customer may ask for the issue of the cast (rubber mark) regarding the notch produced. The cast is then measured with a shadow projector to verify the right notch measurements.

Periodical certification

Our qualified staff is able to perform up to 200 different measurements to make sure that the device is certified in perfect conditions. An accurate test and data check with specific software avoid the occurrence of errors.

Products that can be certified.

  • Eddy current in line devices: using probes and certified test blocks.
  • Eddy current and ultrasonic portable devices: comparing the producer’s data with test data, using certified material.
  • Eddy current and ultrasonic probes: checking the linearity of the sensitivity and the signal resolution.
  • Test blocks: analyzing the chemical-physical data of the material, dimensions and status conditions.
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