Advanced 3D Laser Solutions
With 30 years’ experience providing engineering, design, draughting and surveying services, Advanced 3D Laser Solutions Group are established leaders in 3D laser technologies
Product, Service
United Kingdom
With 30 years’ experience providing engineering, design, draughting and surveying services, Advanced 3D Laser Solutions Group are established leaders in 3D laser technologies in the process and manufacturing industries. We are regularly called upon to speak at industry conferences and host webinars across the globe, to advise on best practice and use of these technologies.
A3D have enjoyed rapid growth in partnership with our clients and suppliers, moving to our specialist engineering hub in Anglia Ruskin University in Chelmsford, Essex in 2017, coinciding with our global agreement with a major chemical storage company to provide 3D laser scanning and modelling solutions across their facility portfolio.
We offer bespoke software solutions linking our smart 3D model and P&ID files, providing a graphical user interface to Clients’ asset, inspection and document management systems.
Products & Services
We are proud to have established point cloud technologies, now recognised as the preferred method for accurately capturing measured site data using 3D laser scanning instruments. Time consuming traditional methods, which are subject to error, are being consigned to history. 3D laser scanning instruments provide cost-effective, accurate results, alongside scan file registration.
Our accomplished, efficient surveyors can complete a large site in days (e.g., 100-200 tank storage terminal requiring 1000-2000 scans).
Our process modelling projects, undertaken by our in-house, dedicated team, return from laser surveying to process our Client’s 3D models and P&IDs. Our approach, backed by our background in engineering, ensure A3D deliver accuracy of scan data and 3D modelling to the highest of industry standards. Additionally, our trained surveyors record equipment specific data using Go-Pro cameras when required.
Our internal training, covering all aspects of laser surveying and modelling, ensures a consistent standard, maintaining our status as the ‘go to’ company within the process industry.
Laser scanning is far more efficient than traditional methods, recording site assets in a fraction of the time
Process and Instrumentation Drawings (P&IDs) are considered fundamental for companies running process systems. P&ID Drawings play a significant role in maintaining and modifying the process and need to be maintained to reflect an up-to-date status. These drawings are critical, demonstrating the physical sequence of equipment and systems, as well as how these systems interconnect. During design the P&ID provides a basis for developing control systems for safety and operational investigations including a hazard and operability study (HAZOP).
A3D utilise laser technology to capture site data – a simpler, safer, faster method than traditional surveying. Our experienced engineering surveyors can collect in days, what traditional methods can take in months or even years. Human error is eliminated and the overall reduction in time and effort is passed back to our clients as savings. Traditional methods are expensive, with large teams spending long periods on client sites. Accessing data at height requires temporary access, which our 3D laser scanners capture from ground level.
The smart P&ID system is set up to allow a consistent approach across all client P&IDs for their site. The blocks, templates, and nomenclature are all built-in, so the consistency is kept through the life of the record.