Published on 02-May-2020

What are the tasks of DGZfP?

What are the tasks of DGZfP?

In non-destructive testing (NDT or ZfP in German) of components and materials, these are tested without damaging them and thus without impairing their later use. This article deals with the German Society for Non-Destructive Testing (DGZfP) and especially with its tasks:

More about non-destructive testing:

The 5 Types – What Is Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)?

What is the DGZfP?

The DGZfP is considered the oldest NDT society in the world. It was founded in 1933 and is a non-profit association consisting of well-known groups and companies, as well as research institutions, universities and authorities, but also of single individuals who are involved in this field.

The DGZfP awards several prizes each year to promote young scientists and engineers:

What is the German NDT newspaper?

The German NDT newspaper (ZfP-Zeitung) is a professional journal for NDT from the three DACH societies DGZfP, ÖGfZP (Austria) and SGZP (Switzerland). It consists of an information section, articles by NDT experts on current scientific problems, reports and news in the field of training, certification and standardization. In advertisements member companies can present their company or new developments.

The NDT newspaper reaches NDT experts in almost all European countries five times a year with a circulation of almost 4000 copies. The journal is already included in the membership fee and does not have to be paid additionally.

What does the DGZfP personnel certification (DPZ)?

The DZP issues certificates which must be renewed regularly.

After completion of the qualification examination, an original form must be filled in and a recent photograph submitted within two years for a certificate to be issued. If the deadline is not met, the examination for a certificate must be repeated. 

Ultrasonic Testing of a pipeline 

Learn more about possible defects in weldings here:

The 10 Common Weld Defects You Should Know.

Every 5 years certificates must be renewed or recertified according to the international standard DIN EN ISO 9712. For renewal, an application form must be completed, a recent photograph must be attached and evidence of satisfactory eyesight and continued professional activity must be submitted. Recertification must take place after 10 years. For this purpose, a course must be taken to refresh the knowledge of new skills. An examination must then be taken and a recertification form completed.

The German NDT newspaper about the sentin EXPLORER:

The February Issue of the German NDT newspaper dealt with the use of our artificial intelligence and NDT software: 

“With some contrast ratios it is […] difficult to interpret a small dot or spot correctly […]. Through […] data […] the system learns, like a human who has seen many thousands of images […].”

The sentin EXPLORER simplifies the evaluation of images by automatically analyzing and marking imperfections and improving the image quality.


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