Published on 09-May-2024

Tank Inspection with Drones: Revolutionising Access and Safety in Confined Spaces

Tank Inspection with Drones: Revolutionising Access and Safety in Confined Spaces

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Tank inspection in industrial settings poses numerous challenges, including safety risks, accessibility issues, and cost considerations. However, recent advancements in technology, particularly the use of drones, have revolutionised the way industrial tank inspection are conducted.

In an era where technology is continuously evolving, industries are constantly seeking innovative solutions to enhance efficiency and safety. One such innovation that has gained significant traction in recent years is tank inspection with drones.

Tank Inspection Drones

Tank inspection stands as a pivotal element within maintenance and safety protocols across a spectrum of industries, ranging from oil and gas to chemical and manufacturing sectors. Traditionally, this vital process relied heavily on manual labour, necessitating personnel to venture into confined spaces within tanks for a thorough examination. However, such practices posed substantial risks to the safety of workers and often resulted in prolonged and labour-intensive procedures. Moreover, manual inspections could lead to operational disruptions and heightened costs due to the extensive time required for completion.

Drones, equipped with advanced imaging systems and sensors, offer a safer, more efficient, and cost-effective alternative to traditional inspection methods. They eliminate the need for human entry into hazardous environments, mitigating risks to personnel safety significantly. Additionally, drones facilitate swift inspections, capturing detailed images and data without the constraints of manual labour. This not only enhances the efficiency of the inspection process but also minimises operational downtime and associated costs.

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Challenges in Traditional Tank Inspection

Two NDT Technicians inspecting tank in a traditional way

Traditional tank inspection methods often require manual labour and can be time-consuming, costly, and pose safety risks to workers. Implementing drones for tank inspections can significantly improve efficiency and safety while providing more accurate data for maintenance planning. Before the introduction of drone technology, tank inspection presented numerous challenges, primarily related to safety, accessibility, and accuracy.

Safety Concerns

Safety in confined space inspections is something to think about, as it involves sending personnel into confined spaces, exposing them to hazardous conditions such as toxic gases, confined spaces, and extreme temperatures. This posed significant risks to workers' safety and required extensive safety measures and specialised training.

Limited Accessibility

Many tanks are located in remote or inaccessible locations, making traditional inspection methods impractical or costly. Accessing these areas often involved scaffolding, cranes, or rope access techniques, further complicating the process and increasing the risk of accidents.

Time-Consuming Processes

Manual inspections are labour-intensive and time-consuming, requiring significant downtime for facilities and disrupting operations. Additionally, the extensive paperwork and documentation involved in traditional inspections added to the overall time and resource investment.

Capabilities of Tank Inspection Drones

Two NDT Technician inspecting tank with help of a drone

Drone technology helps in remote tank inspection offers a plethora of capabilities that address the shortcomings of traditional tank inspections while providing enhanced efficiency, accuracy, and safety.

High-resolution Imaging

Drones are equipped with high-definition cameras and sensors capable of capturing detailed images and data from various angles. This allows inspectors to assess the condition with tank inspections with drones giving precision, identifying defects, corrosion, and other issues without the need for physical access.

Enhanced Mobility

Unlike human inspectors, drones can navigate through confined spaces with ease, accessing areas that are difficult or unsafe for personnel. This agility enables comprehensive inspections of tanks, pipelines, and other assets, minimising the need for scaffolding or manual intervention.

Real-time Data Analysis

Modern drone technology is integrated with advanced software that enables real-time data analysis and reporting. Inspectors can receive instant feedback on the condition of tanks, facilitating timely decision-making and proactive maintenance strategies.

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Safety Benefits of Drone Inspections

Drone inspection inside a tank

Safety benefits of tank inspection with drones include the reduction of human exposure to hazardous environments and the ability to quickly identify potential safety risks before they escalate. By utilising drones for inspections, companies can improve overall safety protocols and minimise the risk of accidents or incidents occurring. The adoption of drone technology for tank inspection offers significant safety benefits for personnel and facilities alike.

Reduced Risks to Personnel

By eliminating the need for personnel to enter confined spaces, drone inspections mitigate the risks associated with hazardous environments. This reduces the likelihood of accidents, injuries, and fatalities, enhancing overall safety standards.

Minimised Operational Disruption

Drone inspections require minimal downtime for facilities, as they can be conducted efficiently and non-intrusively. This allows operations to continue uninterrupted, maximising productivity and minimising revenue loss.

Compliance with Regulations

Drone inspections help organisations comply with regulatory requirements related to safety and environmental standards. By conducting thorough and timely inspections, companies demonstrate their commitment to maintaining a safe working environment and minimising their environmental impact.

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Future Trends and Innovations

Future trends and innovations

Future trends and innovations in technology are constantly evolving, with advancements in artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and blockchain technology leading the way. These innovations have the potential to revolutionise oil tank drone inspections and increase the efficiency of aerial tank inspections in the coming years. As drone technology continues to evolve, the future of tank inspection holds promising advancements and innovations.

Automation and AI Integration

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation into drone systems will further enhance inspection capabilities. AI algorithms can analyse data collected by drones, detect anomalies, predict maintenance needs, and optimise inspection schedules in new age tank inspection with drones.

Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) Operations

Advancements in drone regulations and technology are enabling beyond visual line-of-sight (BVLOS) operations, allowing drones to inspect larger areas and assets more efficiently. This expansion of the operational range opens up new possibilities for remote monitoring and inspection in challenging environments.

Integration with Internet of Things (IoT)

Drones are increasingly being integrated with IoT devices and sensors to create interconnected systems for asset management and monitoring. This integration enables real-time data exchange between drones, equipment, and control centres, facilitating proactive maintenance and decision-making.

Key Takeaways

  • The adoption of drone technology for tank inspection offers transformative benefits for industries, enhancing safety, efficiency, and compliance.
  • By leveraging advanced imaging, mobility, and data analysis capabilities, organisations can optimise their inspection processes and mitigate risks associated with confined space entry.
  • Drone technology has emerged as a game-changer in the field of tank inspection, revolutionising traditional practices and setting new standards for safety and efficiency. 


1. Can drones access all types of tanks and confined spaces?

A: Drones are designed to navigate through various environments, including confined spaces, tall structures, and remote locations, making them versatile tools for inspection purposes.

2. How accurate are drone inspections compared to manual inspections?

A: Drone inspections provide highly accurate data and imaging, often surpassing the capabilities of manual inspections, thanks to advanced sensors and imaging technology.

3. What regulatory considerations are involved in deploying drone inspections?

A: Organisations must adhere to regulations set forth by aviation authorities and industry standards governing the use of drones for commercial purposes. Compliance with privacy and data protection laws is also essential.


1. Drone Ardeche

2. Maritime Executive

3. DJM Aerial Solutions

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