Published on 12-Jan-2021

How to Determine the Optimal Scanning Grid for Your Ultrasonic Inspection

How to Determine the Optimal Scanning Grid for Your Ultrasonic Inspection

The Scanning Grid used for an ultrasonic inspection is one of the key factors influencing the quality of the inspection. This video details how to determine the optimal scanning grid, optimizing both the inspection quality and the inspection duration. Moreover, it gives an introduction to a program that can be used to determine the optimal scanning grid for your application.

For any consulting or training on ultrasonic testing please get in contact with me. If you like this video please give a thumbs up and if you like the NDE 4.0 YouTube channel please subscribe. More videos on - NDE 4.0 - History of UT - Basics of Ultrasonic Testing and Sizing - Basic Ultrasonic Waveforms, Refraction & Snells Law - Phased Array UT - Automated UT - UT Sound Field

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