Published on 06-Jun-2024

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Sewer Inspection

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Sewer Inspection

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Sewer systems are the backbone of urban infrastructure, yet they often remain out of sight and out of mind until a problem arises. Traditionally, inspecting these networks has been a labour-intensive and risky job. Artificial intelligence in sewer inspection is a transformative technology that's modernising sewer inspections, making them more efficient, accurate, and safer.

AI has the capability to analyse vast amounts of data collected from sewer inspection, identifying potential issues before they become major problems. By utilising AI, cities and municipalities can proactively maintain their sewer systems, saving time and money in the long run.

Scope of Sewer Networks and the Challenge of Inspection

Sewer networks span thousands of miles beneath our cities, representing a complex web that demands regular inspection and maintenance. Traditional inspection methods involve sending workers into these often hazardous environments or using CCTV cameras to manually review the footage. These approaches are not only time-consuming and expensive but also prone to human error. Emerging technologies, such as robotics and drones, are now being utilised to conduct sewer inspections more efficiently and safely. These innovative methods offer a promising solution to the challenges faced in maintaining sewer networks. 

Role of AI in Sewer Condition Assessments

Custom Crawler

Artificial intelligence algorithms for sewer evaluation bring a new level of precision to sewer inspections. By leveraging advanced technologies such as machine learning and computer vision, AI can analyse vast amounts of data quickly and accurately. For instance, AI algorithms can identify patterns and anomalies in sewer conditions that human inspectors might miss, enabling more precise assessments of the infrastructure's health.

Practical Applications of AI in Sewer Inspection

Practical applications of AI in sewer inspection include using drones equipped with AI algorithms to detect cracks and blockages in sewer lines, as well as implementing AI-powered robots to navigate and inspect underground pipes for potential issues. These technologies can help municipalities identify problems early, prioritise maintenance tasks, and ultimately improve the efficiency of sewer systems.

Use of Robotics in Sewer Inspection

Robotics in Sewer Inspection

Robotics, powered by AI, are increasingly used in sewer inspections. These autonomous robots can navigate through sewer pipes, capturing high-definition images and videos. Equipped with AI, they can detect and classify defects in real-time, reducing the need for manual review and interpretation.


1. City of San Francisco

The city of San Francisco has implemented the use of autonomous robots for inspecting their sewer systems. These robots are equipped with high-definition cameras and sensors that navigate through the sewer pipes, capturing detailed images and videos. The robots can detect and classify defects such as cracks, blockages, and corrosion in real-time using AI, significantly reducing the need for manual inspections and improving efficiency.

2. Sydney Water, Australia

Sydney Water has utilised robotics for sewer inspections to enhance their maintenance strategies. The robots used are capable of traversing difficult-to-access sections of the sewer network, providing high-resolution imagery and video footage. AI algorithms analyse this data to identify potential problems, enabling timely repairs and maintenance activities.

AI-Powered CCTV Inspections

Digital 3D Manhole Inspection Camera

CCTV inspections have been a staple in sewer inspection for years. Now, with AI integration, these systems can automatically analyse footage to identify issues such as cracks, blockages, and structural weaknesses. This automation not only speeds up the inspection process but also enhances accuracy by minimising human error.


1. United Utilities, UK

United Utilities has integrated AI with their existing CCTV inspection systems. The AI analyses the footage from CCTV cameras to automatically identify issues such as structural weaknesses, cracks, and blockages. This technology has improved the speed and accuracy of inspections, reducing the reliance on human operators and minimising errors.

2. City of Los Angeles

The City of Los Angeles has adopted AI-powered CCTV inspections for its extensive sewer system. AI technology automatically processes the footage from CCTV cameras to detect anomalies and defects, streamlining the inspection process and allowing for quicker decision-making regarding maintenance and repairs.

Machine Learning for Defect Detection and Classification

Machine learning algorithms excel at recognizing patterns in data. In sewer inspections, these algorithms can be trained on thousands of images of sewer defects, learning to identify and categorize different types of issues. This capability allows for rapid, consistent, and accurate defect detection, providing valuable insights for maintenance planning.


1. Innovyze’s InfoAsset Planner

Innovyze has developed a machine learning tool called InfoAsset Planner that is used for sewer inspection and asset management. This tool leverages machine learning algorithms trained on a vast dataset of sewer images to detect and classify defects with high accuracy, aiding in the efficient planning of maintenance and repairs.

2. Deep Trekker’s DT340

Deep Trekker’s DT340

Deep Trekker’s DT340 is a sewer inspection robot that incorporates machine learning for defect detection. The robot captures images and videos, which are then analysed by machine learning algorithms to identify and categorise defects such as cracks, roots, and pipe deformation. This automated process enhances the accuracy and consistency of defect detection.

Predictive Maintenance Using AI

Predictive maintenance is one of the most promising applications of AI in sewer inspection. By analyzing historical data and current conditions, AI can predict potential failures before they occur. This proactive approach helps prevent costly repairs and reduces the risk of sewer overflows, protecting public health and the environment.


1. Veolia Water Technologies

Veolia Water Technologies

Veolia has implemented AI-driven predictive maintenance for their sewer systems. By analysing historical data and current sewer conditions, their AI systems predict potential failures and maintenance needs before they occur. This proactive approach helps prevent costly repairs and minimises the risk of sewer overflows.

2. IBM’s Predictive Maintenance Platform

IBM has developed a predictive maintenance platform that uses AI to monitor and analyse sewer infrastructure. The platform collects data from various sensors within the sewer network and uses machine learning algorithms to predict potential failures. This enables maintenance teams to address issues before they escalate, optimising maintenance schedules and reducing downtime.

NASSCO's Role and Future Directions

National Association of Sewer Service Companies

The National Association of Sewer Service Companies (NASSCO) plays a pivotal role in setting standards for sewer inspection and maintenance. With the advent of AI-powered sewer inspection, NASSCO is at the forefront of integrating these technologies into industry practices. This allows for a more efficient and accurate assessment of sewer systems, ultimately leading to cost savings and improved infrastructure management. NASSCO's commitment to innovation positions them as a leader in the industry, ensuring that they will continue to shape the future of sewer service companies.


Pipeline Assessment Certification Program (PACP)

Pipeline Assessment Certification Program (PACP)

NASSCO’s PACP provides standardised training and certification for professionals in the sewer inspection industry. With the integration of AI technologies, NASSCO ensures that their certification programmes include the latest advancements in AI-powered inspection methods, preparing industry professionals to effectively use these technologies.

Benefits and Potential of AI in Sewer Inspection

Artificial intelligence in sewer inspection has the potential to significantly improve the efficiency and accuracy of sewer pipe inspections by quickly identifying areas of concern and predicting potential issues before they occur. This can help municipalities and utility companies save time and money by proactively addressing problems, ultimately leading to a more reliable and sustainable sewer infrastructure.

Improved Accuracy and Efficiency

AI significantly enhances the accuracy and efficiency of sewer system monitoring. By automating the detection and classification of defects, AI reduces the likelihood of errors and ensures that issues are identified promptly. This leads to more reliable data and better decision-making.

Cost Savings

The use of AI in sewer inspection can result in substantial cost savings. Automated inspections are faster and require fewer resources than traditional methods. Additionally, predictive maintenance helps avoid costly emergency repairs and extends the lifespan of sewer infrastructure.

Enhanced Safety for Workers

AI-powered robots and automated systems reduce the need for human workers to enter hazardous environments. Robotics in sewer assessment enhances worker safety by minimizing exposure to dangerous conditions and reducing the risk of accidents.

Environmental Benefits

By enabling more proactive maintenance and preventing sewer overflows, AI contributes to environmental protection. Sewer rehabilitation technologies help ensure that sewer systems operate efficiently, reducing the risk of pollution and safeguarding public health.

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Key Takeaways

  • Artificial intelligence in sewer inspection is revolutionising the field of sewer inspection, offering numerous benefits, including improved accuracy, enhanced safety, and environmental protection.
  • As AI technologies continue to evolve, their role in maintaining and managing sewer networks will only grow, leading to smarter, more sustainable urban infrastructure.
  • The integration of AI in sewer inspection marks a significant advancement in urban infrastructure management.
  • By harnessing the power of AI, we can ensure that our sewer systems remain in optimal condition, safeguarding public health and the environment.
  • As we look to the future, the continued development and adoption of AI technologies will be crucial in meeting the growing demands of urbanisation and ensuring the sustainability of our cities.

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